Australian Curriculum Categories
Perform dance using expressive skills to communicate a choreographer's ideas, including performing dances of cultural groups in the community
- developing expressive skills of focus, clarity of the movement, confidence and facial expression/character to present dance ideas in performance for an intended audience (Skills: Personal and Social Capability)
- Considering viewpoints - forms and elements: For example - How did the dancers/you use space and energy to create a feeling of strength/isolation/happiness? What is the relationship between the dancers and the audience? What relationship are you aiming to create between the dancers and the audience? (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
- applying the elements of dance in dance contexts to communicate ideas to audience, for example, stop and start/percussive arm and upper body movements to express basketball actions in a game, or rhythmic and accented movement to express the passage of time or the actions of a clock (Skills: Numeracy, Personal and Social Capability)
- Considering viewpoints - forms and elements: For example - How did the dancers/you use space and energy to create a feeling of strength/isolation/happiness? What is the relationship between the dancers and the audience? What relationship are you aiming to create between the dancers and the audience?)
- presenting dances, using costumes and/or props where appropriate to enhance different contexts, such as performing dances with representatives of the cultural group from the community (Skills: Personal and Social Capability, Intercultural Understanding)
- presenting their performances using internet-based technologies, including social media (Skills: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Personal and Social Capability)
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