Australian Curriculum Categories
Develop their choreographic intent by applying the elements of dance to select and organise movement
- experimenting with different elements of dance to explore ideas about their choreographic intent (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability)
- selecting movement from their improvisations that best communicates their choreographic intentions, for example, movement that communicates mood or emotion (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability)
- exploring movement that may have symbolic meaning within a social or cultural context, for example, communicate a specific idea by developing a recurring movement idea (motif) (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking, Intercultural Understanding)
- Considering viewpoints - cultures: For example - What is the cultural context in which this dance was developed, or in which it is viewed, and what does it signify? What are the stylistic differences in hip hop performances from different countries including Asia, Europe and the USA?)
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