Australian Curriculum Categories
Explain how the elements of dance and production elements communicate meaning by comparing dances from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dance
- discussing the purpose of movements, elements of dance, production elements, and use of projection and focus, and how these affect the mood of audience and the relationship between dancers and the audience (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability)
- Considering viewpoints - evaluations: For example - Which dance elements were used well and for which purpose? How was your mood changed by this dance? (refer to: the energy, shapes, tempo, music, staging in your answer) (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
- identifying and discussing meanings and significance intended by the choreographer's use of movement, space and energy, referring to their knowledge of the context in which the dance was created, for example, an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander dance, a Chinese ribbon dance, or a Sumatran tambourine dance (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Intercultural Understanding)
- Considering viewpoints - meanings and interpretations: For example - How is the movement of the body used to represent a story, character or idea? How does did you use space, costume and/or multimedia to communicate meaning in this dance? (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
- discussing social and cultural influences to recognise the role of dance and dancers in societies, cultures, environments and times, for example, conventions of a Kecak dance from Bali, or the protocols for performing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dance, including when it is not able to be viewed (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Intercultural Understanding)
- Considering viewpoints - societies and cultures: For example - What are the traditions, customs and conventions of this dance? What different performance spaces are used for dances and why?)
- accessing real or virtual performances that are representative of different times and places and comparing how elements of dance and production elements communicate meaning in each (Skills: Literacy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking)
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