Australian Curriculum Categories
Develop musical ideas, such as mood, by improvising, combining and manipulating the elements of music
- using technology to manipulate specific elements such as pitch and timbre to create intended effects in composition or performance (Skills: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- manipulating their voices through timbre and expressive techniques to convey intended style)
- Considering viewpoints - meanings and interpretations: For example - Why does the same piece sound different when different musicians play it? (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
- experimenting with technology to sequence and combine ideas to enhance intentions in compositions and performances (Skills: Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- listening to and interpreting different types of score conventions from different styles and traditions to develop their own style (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking, Intercultural Understanding)
- experimenting with different types of notation to communicate and record ideas (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
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