Recognise that sentences are key units for expressing ideas
- learning that word order in sentences is important for meaning (for example 'The boy sat on the dog', 'The dog sat on the boy') (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- creating students' own written texts and reading aloud to the teacher and others (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- Plus Plan
Glorious Grammar (Early Years) Volume 1 – Worksheet Book
A workbook packed with 50 grammar activities for younger years.
- Plus Plan
Trace, Draw and Order Sentences Worksheets
Use this set of sentence cut-and-paste worksheets to help your students build simple sentences.
- Plus Plan
Build and Write a Sentence – Worksheets
A set of 10 worksheets to enable students to practise building and writing sentences.
- Plus Plan
Complete the Sentences – Worksheets for Beginning Writers
A set of 10 worksheets for students to practise completing simple sentences.
- Plus Plan
Making Sentences – Cut and Paste Worksheets
A set of 10 cut and paste worksheets for making short sentences.
- Plus Plan
Springtime Sentence Building - Interactive Activity
Build a strong sentence-writing foundation with this interactive spring-themed sentence building activity.
- Plus Plan
Super Sentence Starter Sack
Choose a sentence starter from the Super Sentence Sack to start your students off and writing.
- Plus Plan
Make a Sentence – Worksheets
A set of worksheets where students un-jumble words to create a sentence.
- Plus Plan
Write A Sentence Worksheet
A worksheet for beginner writers to practice their handwriting.
- Plus Plan
I Can! I Can't ... Yet. – Handwriting Worksheet (Version 4)
A handwriting worksheet designed to help students goal set by reflecting on what they can and cannot do yet.
- Plus Plan
I Can! I Can't ... Yet. – Handwriting Worksheet (Version 3)
A handwriting worksheet designed to help students goal set by reflecting on what they can and cannot do yet.
- Plus Plan
I Can! I Can't ... Yet. – Handwriting Worksheet (Version 2)
A handwriting worksheet designed to help students goal set by reflecting on what they can and cannot do yet.
- Plus Plan
I Can! I Can't ... Yet. – Handwriting Worksheet (Version 1)
A handwriting worksheet designed to help students goal set by reflecting on what they can and cannot do yet.
- Plus Plan
Picture, Letter, Word, Sentence – Classroom Display
A classroom display to help students distinguish between pictures, letters, words and sentences.
- Plus Plan
Google Slides Interactive - Features of Print
Use a Google Slides interactive activity to aid beginning readers in recognising print features and concepts of print.