Understand that nouns represent people, places, concrete objects and abstract concepts; that there are three types of nouns: common, proper and pronouns; and that noun groups/phrases can be expanded using articles and adjectives
- exploring texts and identifying nouns that refer to characters, elements of the setting, and ideas (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- exploring illustrations and noun groups/phrases in picture books to identify how the participants have been represented by an illustrator (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- exploring names of people and places and how to write them using capital letters (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- building extended noun groups/phrases that provide a clear description of an item (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Proper Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs and Conjunctions Posters
Enhance student understanding of the 8 parts of speech with these colourful, informative and easily-referenced grammar wall posters.
- Plus Plan
Glorious Grammar (Early Years) Volume 1 – Worksheet Book
A workbook packed with 50 grammar activities for younger years.
- Free Plan
Printable Adjectives List for Kids
Print your students a list of adjectives to keep at hand when writing to help them use descriptive language.
- Plus Plan
Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives – Sorting Task
Help students learn the difference between nouns, verbs, and adjectives with this cut-and-paste sorting worksheet.
- Free Plan
Common Nouns and Proper Nouns - Sorting Task
A sorting task to help students learn the difference between common nouns and proper nouns.
- Plus Plan
Read and Colour Worksheet – Common and Proper Nouns
A worksheet to practise identifying common and proper nouns.
- Plus Plan
Adjectives Poster Pack
Get your students to use new words to describe objects with this set of 13 bright and colourful posters.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Word Search (Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs) – Worksheet
A word search where students find and categorise nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.
- Plus Plan
Adjectives Interactive Activity
Provide your students with engaging, interactive activities to help them improve their usage of descriptive adjectives.
- Plus Plan
"Simon Says" Instruction Cards
A set of 24 instruction cards to use when playing "Simon Says".
- Plus Plan
Common and Proper Nouns - Interactive Activity
Identify common and proper nouns by sorting words in their context.
- Plus Plan
Year 2 Magazine - "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 1) Task Cards
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with Issue 1 of Teach Starter's Year 2 magazine.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Word Search (Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs) – Worksheet
A word search where students find and categorise nouns, adjectives and verbs.
- Plus Plan
Character Adjective Concertina Template – The Gingerbread Man
Learn how adjectives can be used to describe a character's appearance and personality with a hands-on craft activity aligned to the English curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Adjectives and the Senses – Worksheet
A sorting worksheet where students organise adjectives into the most appropriate sense.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Parts of Speech Warm Ups - Lower Years Interactive PowerPoint
Review nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs with this 44-slide interactive PowerPoint lesson.
- Plus Plan
Commonly Used Verbs Flashcards
Teach commonly used verbs with this set of printable flashcards.
- Plus Plan
A or An? - Worksheets
Teach when to use A or An as an article with a printable pack of 'A or An' Worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Noun Group Tangle – Worksheet
A worksheet that focuses on nouns combining with adjectives to create noun groups.
- Plus Plan
Common and Proper Nouns Sort - Cut and Paste Worksheet
A sorting worksheet to practise identifying common and proper nouns.
- Plus Plan
Character Adjective Concertina Template – Blank
Learn how adjectives can be used to describe a character's appearance and personality with a hands-on craft activity aligned to the English curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Sort Game - Common Nouns, Abstract Nouns, Proper Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives
Use this Parts of Speech Sort Game to assist your students in identifying the different types of nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Worksheet Pack – Lower Primary
A 13 page worksheet pack to consolidate the learning of different grammar concepts in the early years.
- Plus Plan
Grammar TVs
Grammar presented on TVs.
- Plus Plan
Grammar and Punctuation Tails - Active Learning
An active game that requires students to use their basic grammar and punctuation knowledge.
- Plus Plan
A or An? Poster
Use this articles poster to teach your students which article to use and when!
- Plus Plan
Write With Your Senses: Daily Descriptive Writing Prompts
Inspire your students to write descriptively using our 20 daily descriptive writing prompts slide deck and graphic organiser.
- Plus Plan
Grandparents' Day Worksheet — Adjectives A to Z
Celebrate Grandparents' Day in the classroom with awesome adjectives!
- Plus Plan
Autumn Parts of Speech Sort
Review three parts of speech by sorting nouns, verbs, and adjectives with a parts of speech sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Common and Proper - Year 2 English Task Cards
Identify common noun and proper noun usage in sentences with this set of printable Christmas-themed Task Cards!
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Word Search (Nouns and Verbs) – Worksheet
A word search where students find and categorise nouns and verbs.
- Plus Plan
Imagine This! Silly Story Template
A template to use as a fun writing activity.