Understand that the meaning of sentences can be enriched through the use of noun groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases
- creating richer, more specific descriptions through the use of noun groups/phrases (for example, in narrative texts, 'their very old Siamese cat'; in reports, 'its extremely high mountain ranges') (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- Plus Plan
Subordinating Conjunctions Game Show Interactive Activity
Use this interactive digital activity to assist your students in practising identifying and constructing sentences using subordinating conjunctions in a fun way!
- Plus Plan
Subordinating Conjunctions Board Game
Use this set of 24 task cards to help students practise identifying and constructing sentences using subordinating conjunctions.
- Plus Plan
Grammar TVs
Grammar presented on TVs.
- Plus Plan
Grammar and Punctuation Tails - Active Learning
An active game that requires students to use their basic grammar and punctuation knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Fresh Start – Project
A project for students to use their literacy skills and creativity to rebrand Five Wonders Theme Park.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Grab Worksheet
Sort each grammar concept using the definitions and examples.
- Plus Plan
Shades of Meaning Verb Flashcards
Encourage your students to use different shades of meaning in their sentence writing with this set of shades of meaning verb flashcards.
- Plus Plan
Conjunctions Spinners (Coordinating Conjunctions, Subordinating Conjunctions, Correlative Conjunctions)
Bring some fun to your grammar lessons with these colourful conjunctions spinners! Students spin tp reveal a conjunction to use in their writing or oral language.
- Plus Plan
Colour Adjectives - Worksheet
A worksheet activity designed to help prompt students to be more descriptive when describing nouns with colours.
- Free Plan
Sorting Nouns - Worksheet
A cut and arrange activity which involves students using their grammar skill to sort through nouns and categorise them.
- Plus Plan
Prepositions Worksheet
A worksheet that explores the use of prepositions.
- Plus Plan
Haunted Preposition House - Halloween Worksheet
Practise using prepositions and prepositional phrases with a a fun and spooky Halloween worksheet!
- Plus Plan
Common Noun Upgrade - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to learn about times when typical common nouns become proper nouns.
- Plus Plan
Preposition Monkey Business - Worksheet
A worksheet which includes an image prompt for students to make creative sentences about prepositions.
- Plus Plan
Plotting Prepositions Net Game - Worksheet
A fun guessing risk game that gives students the opportunity to engage with prepositions.
- Plus Plan
Comical Chronicle Worksheets - Year 4
A set of 10 ad-lib style stories for students to complete.
- Plus Plan
Year 4 Magazine – "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 3) Task Cards
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with Issue 3 of Teach Starter’s Year 4 magazine.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Sentence Challenge Worksheet
Practise using different parts of speech in a written piece of text with this grammar activity.
- Plus Plan
Types of Sentences Posters - Large Text
A set of 7 posters outlining the structure of various types of sentences.
- Plus Plan
Preposition Bingo
Thirty-two preposition bingo cards with sentences.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Upper Primary Classroom Game – Set 1
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
The Three Little Pigs and Their Article Mess - Worksheet
A reading exercise of the classic story of The Three Little Pigs with incorrect articles students need to fix.
- Plus Plan
Illustration Pronoun Prompts - Worksheet
A worksheet with image prompts for students to exercise their knowledge of pronouns.
- Plus Plan
Global Proper Nouns - Worksheet
A mapping activity that prompts students to use their grammar knowledge of proper nouns.
- Plus Plan
Common Nouns in Your House - Worksheet
Two activities that help students think about common nouns.
- Plus Plan
How to Make Pancakes: Article Edition - Worksheet
A procedure text for students to read about how to make pancakes with the articles removed for students to fill in.
- Plus Plan
Adver-relays Active Learning Game
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Upper Years Classroom Game – Set 3
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Upper Years Classroom Game – Set 2
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Writing - December Writing Prompts
Inspire your students to write creatively with a set of 30 Christmas writing prompts for kids.
- Plus Plan
Net Trap Game: Articles - Worksheet
A risky elimination game to help students engage with their grammar skills with articles.
- Plus Plan
Spelling Words Card Game – Editable
A card game for spelling words.