Understand how adverb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases work in different ways to provide circumstantial details about an activity
- investigating in texts how adverb group/phrases and prepositional phrases can provide details of the circumstances surrounding a happening or state (for example, 'At midnight (time) he rose slowly (manner) from the chair (place) and went upstairs (place)' (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- Plus Plan
Glorious Grammar Volume 1 - Worksheet Book
50 activities in one booklet which all revolve around learning grammar in the classroom.
- Free Plan
Identifying Procedural Language Worksheets
Help your students identify procedural language with this set of three worksheets.
- Free Plan
Identifying Descriptive Language Worksheets - Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs
A set of 5 worksheets to help your students identify descriptive language in narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
Write Your Own Adverbial Phrases Worksheet
Use this set of differentiated adverbs worksheets to assess students’ ability to add adverb groups into simple sentences.
- Plus Plan
Find the Adverbial Phrases Worksheet
Use this simple yet effective adverbs worksheet to assess students’ ability to identify adverb groups (adverbial phrases) in sentences.
- Plus Plan
Types of Verbs Poster Set
Explore the different types of verbs with this set of verb posters displaying the definition and examples of action, saying, thinking and relating verbs.
- Plus Plan
Types of Clauses Posters
A set of five posters examining the structure of independent and dependent clauses.
- Plus Plan
Successful Sentences – Sentence Construction Cards
Word cards for constructing complex sentences.
- Plus Plan
Imagine Conjunctions Worksheet
Spark students' creativity with this conjunctions worksheet containing four images to prompt students to write compound sentences.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Worksheet Pack – Lower Primary
A 13 page worksheet pack to consolidate the learning of different grammar concepts in the early years.
- Plus Plan
Adverbial Phrases Comprehension Task: The Secret Garden
Help your students identify adverb groups in descriptive writing with this comprehension worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Crossword
A crossword with clues for various grammar concepts.
- Plus Plan
Adverb Groups Interactive Activity
Teach your students to locate and categorise adverbial phrases in descriptive sentences using this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Spelling Sentence Challenge Worksheet
A teaching resource to help consolidate their current spelling program and grammar use.
- Free Plan
Partner Sentence Challenge Worksheet
A teaching resource to help students consolidate the students’ knowledge of grammar and brainstorm vocabulary for writing.
- Plus Plan
Coordinating Conjunctions Dice Game
Use this hands on activity for students to create two 8 sided-dice and write compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions.
- Plus Plan
Adverbial Phrases Category Sorting Game
Use this fun adverbs game in your literacy lesson or small groups to help students grasp the concept of adverb groups!
- Plus Plan
Adverbs Worksheet
A 2 page worksheet that explores the use of adverbs.
- Plus Plan
Adverbial Phrases Roll and Write Activity
Along with your students, roll and write your way to hilarious silly sentences with adverb phrases with this printable worksheet!
- Plus Plan
Proper Nouns Crossword Puzzle - Worksheet
A crossword researching different proper nouns.
- Plus Plan
Hansel and Gretel and the Pronoun Hunt - Worksheet
Students get to use ideas in the classic story of Hansel and Gretel to think about pronouns.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Word Search with Solution
A word search to help your students learn a variety of grammatical terms.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Word Cards Sorting Activity
Engage your students with this parts of speech group activity where they sort 112 word cards into categories (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, coordinating conjunctions or prepositions).
- Plus Plan
Nouns and Things - Worksheet
A worksheet to help students use more descriptive nouns in their writing.
- Plus Plan
Everyday Grammar Parts of Speech Warm Ups - Middle Years Interactive PowerPoint
Review nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs with this 44-slide interactive parts of speech PowerPoint lesson.
- Plus Plan
Paragraph Study Grammar Interactive PowerPoint
Interactive PowerPoint presentation allowing teachers and students to learn and revise grammar by highlighting paragraphs.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Lower Years Classroom Game
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Grammar TVs
Grammar presented on TVs.
- Plus Plan
Five Wonders Theme Park: Fresh Start – Project
A project for students to use their literacy skills and creativity to rebrand Five Wonders Theme Park.
- Plus Plan
Interesting Events Adverb Groups Worksheets
Use this set of differentiated grammar worksheets to help students incorporate adverb groups or phrases into their writing.
- Plus Plan
Colour Adjectives - Worksheet
A worksheet activity designed to help prompt students to be more descriptive when describing nouns with colours.
- Free Plan
Sorting Nouns - Worksheet
A cut and arrange activity which involves students using their grammar skill to sort through nouns and categorise them.