Understand how to spell one and two syllable words with common letter patterns
- writing one-syllable words containing known blends, for example 'bl' and 'st' (Skills: Literacy)
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Long Vowels
Introduce and explore words containing graphemes that make long vowel sounds with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - CCVC Words
Introduce and explore words containing the consonant-consonant-vowel-consonant pattern with this extensive list of CCVC words.
- Plus Plan
Long I Graphemes - SCOOT! Task Cards
Explore words containing graphemes that make the ‘long i’ sound with this active classroom game that will get your students moving!
- Plus Plan
Long E Graphemes - SCOOT! Task Cards
Explore words containing graphemes that make the ‘long e’ sound with this active classroom game that will get your students moving!
- Plus Plan
Long A Graphemes - SCOOT! Task Cards
Explore words containing graphemes that make the ‘long a’ sound with this active classroom game that will get your students moving!
- Plus Plan
CCVC Word Building - Google Slides Interactive Activity
Practice spelling and reading CCVC words by identifying and blending sounds using this interactive Google Slides activity.
- Plus Plan
Initial Letter Bingo
30 different bingo cards using initial letters.
- Plus Plan
Common Digraphs and Blends Bookmarks
These bookmarks are designed to help students remember some of the most common blends and digraphs while reading.
- Plus Plan
Dolch Words Card Game – Classroom Game
A card game for dolch sight words.
- Plus Plan
CVC Word Chains- Interactive Activity
Practise spelling CVC words and manipulating their phonemes to create word chains with this digital resource.
- Plus Plan
Initial S-Blends - Interactive Activity
Become familiar with words that begin with an s-blend using this interactive digital resource.
- Plus Plan
CVC Phoneme Manipulation Worksheets - Short O
Manipulate the individual phonemes in 'short o' CVC words to create new words with this set of differentiated worksheets.
- Plus Plan
CVC Phoneme Manipulation Worksheets - Short A
Manipulate the individual phonemes in ‘short a’ CVC words to create new words with this set of differentiated worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Consonant Digraphs
Introduce and explore common consonant digraphs with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Prefixes
Introduce and explore common prefixes with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Long A Graphemes
Introduce and explore words containing graphemes that make the ‘long a’ sound with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Long E Graphemes
Introduce and explore words containing graphemes that make the ‘long e’ sound with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Year 1 Magazine – "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 3) Task Cards
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with Issue 3 of Teach Starter’s Year 1 magazine.
- Plus Plan
Initial Blends Bingo
30 different bingo cards using beginning sounds.
- Plus Plan
Sight Word Cards - Dolch Year 1
Dolch Year 1 sight words on flash cards.
- Plus Plan
Initial L-Blends - Interactive Activity
Become familiar with words that begin with an l-blend using this interactive digital resource.
- Plus Plan
CVC Phoneme Manipulation Worksheets - Short U
Manipulate the individual phonemes in ‘short u’ CVC words to create new words with this set of differentiated worksheets.
- Plus Plan
CVC Phoneme Manipulation Worksheets - Short E
Manipulate the individual phonemes in ‘short e’ CVC words to create new words with this set of differentiated worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Word Study List - Hard and Soft G
Introduce and explore words containing the hard and soft g with this extensive list of words.
- Plus Plan
Long O Graphemes - SCOOT! Task Cards
Explore words containing graphemes that make the ‘long o’ sound with this active classroom game that will get your students moving!
- Plus Plan
Find and Sort Active Game
An active game that allows students to practise sorting word families.
- Plus Plan
Word Family Sorting Cards
A set of 36 sorting cards to reinforce word families and rhyming with your students.
- Plus Plan
Dolch Sight Word Bingo – Grade 1
Sixteen different bingo cards using the Grade 1 Dolch Sight Words.
- Plus Plan
Generic Spelling Activity Worksheet Pack
A set of 6 generic spelling activity worksheets that can be used with any spelling list.
- Plus Plan
Blending and Segmenting Phonemes - Interactive Activity
Practise blending and segmenting phonemes in common words with this engaging interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
OW Graphemes - SCOOT! Task Cards
Explore words containing graphemes that make the diphthong ‘ow’ with this active classroom game that will get your students moving!
- Plus Plan
Snow Globe Digraphs - Google Interactive Activity
Bring some winter fun into your phonics lessons with this interactive snow globe activity.