The natural, managed and constructed features of places, their location, how they change and how they can be cared for
- Plus Plan
Natural Landmarks of Australia - Poster Pack
10 beautifully designed posters about some of Australia's most famous natural landscapes.
- Free Plan
Natural, Managed or Constructed? - Worksheet
A worksheet that explores natural, managed and constructed features.
- Plus Plan
Spaces and Places – Word Wall Vocabulary
30 spaces and places word wall vocabulary cards.
- Free Plan
Natural and Built Environments Sort Activity
A natural and built environments sort activity.
- Plus Plan
Our Natural and Built Environments - Poster Pack
Poster with definitions and examples of natural and built environments.
- Free Plan
Changes I Can See - Worksheet
A worksheet that explores changes to observable features of the environment.
- Plus Plan
Five Australian Landmarks Posters
A set of 5 posters highlighting some of Australia's most famous Landmarks.
- Plus Plan
6 Australian National Parks Posters
A set of six posters with information about Australian National Parks, including how to care for them.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Built Environments - Display Elements
Build a Natural vs. Manmade Environment bulletin board with a set of decorative elements.
- Free Plan
Do You See What I See? - Worksheet
A worksheet that explores how features of a local environment may change.
- Free Plan
Natural and Built Environments - Information Sheets
A set of information sheets for selected natural and built environments.
- Plus Plan
Built Environments Concept Map
A concept map to use when learning about built environments.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC 2021 – Heal Country! - Word Search (Early Years)
A puzzle related to key concepts of the NAIDOC theme.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC 2021 – Heal Country! - Worksheet (Early Years)
A worksheet for students to reflect on the NAIDOC theme as it relates to them.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC 2021 – Heal Country! Teacher information sheet
A teacher information sheet about the NAIDOC 2021 theme: Heal Country!
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC 2021 – Heal Country! Student information sheet
A student information sheet about the NAIDOC 2021 theme: Heal Country!
- Plus Plan
Landform Word Wall Vocabulary
Show your students examples of different landforms with a set of printable Landform word and picture cards.
- Plus Plan
What Places Are Like - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
23 features of places vocabulary word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
How People Use Places - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
40 places and their uses vocabulary word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Built Environments - Special Place Worksheet
A worksheet that requires your students to draw and explain their special place.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Built Environments - Brainstorming Pages
A sheet that provides your students with a space to write or draw their ideas.
- Plus Plan
Changing and Managing Places - Geography Word Wall Vocabulary
48 changing and managing places vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Built Environments Teaching Resource Pack
A pack of posters and worksheets to be used when teaching a unit of work on natural and built environments.