How changing technology affected people??s lives (at home and in the ways they worked, travelled, communicated and played in the past)
- Â Plus Plan
Toys - Past, Present and Future PowerPoint
A 15 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when comparing toys from today with the past.
- Â Plus Plan
Communication - Past, Present and Future PowerPoint
A 13 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when comparing present day communication devices and their uses with the past.
- Â Free Plan
Transport Then and Now - Worksheet
A set of 2 worksheets for students to identify how transport has changed over time.
- Â Plus Plan
Transport - Past, Present and Future PowerPoint
An 11 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when comparing different modes of transport and their uses from today with the past.
- Â Free Plan
Communication Then and Now - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to illustrate how communication methods and devices have changed over time.
- Â Free Plan
What Toy Am I? - Toy Definition Match Up Game
A set of 20 puzzle cards for students to match pictures of toys to their definition.
- Â Plus Plan
Old vs New Communication Devices - Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity for students to identify old and new communication devices.
- Â Free Plan
Then and Now - Toy Dominoes
A set of 12 domino playing cards for students to match pictures of toys from the past with the present.
- Â Free Plan
Comparing Toys from Past to Present - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to illustrate how toys have changed over time.
- Â Plus Plan
Transport Time Machine - Past and Present Transport Sorting Activity
A fun sorting game for students to identify past modes of transport from the present.
- Â Free Plan
Communication Changes Over Time Worksheet
A sequencing activity to use when exploring how communication devices have changed over time.
- Â Free Plan
Past and Present Communication Board Game
A fun and engaging board game to consolidate students' understanding of past and present communication devices.
- Â Plus Plan
Transport Then and Now - Memory Game
A fun memory game for students to match past and present modes of transport.
- Â Free Plan
Describing Toys Past and Present - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to describe the features of past and present toys.
- Â Plus Plan
Communicating with Others - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to identify the communication methods and devices we use today.
- Â Plus Plan
Comparing Communication Devices from Past to Present - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to compare communication devices from the past with the present.
- Â Plus Plan
Life Without Transport - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to identify how we use transport in our daily lives.
- Â Plus Plan
Popular Toys from the Present Day - Worksheet
A set of 2 worksheets for students to illustrate popular toys from the present day.
- Â Plus Plan
Transport Changing Over Time - Timeline Worksheet
A worksheet for students to illustrate how transport has changed over time.
- Â Plus Plan
Continuity and Change Worksheets
A set of four worksheets to use when exploring continuity and change.
- Â Plus Plan
Alien Grab - Toy Sorting Activity
A fun sorting activity to identify toys from other everyday objects.
- Â Plus Plan
Animal Powered Transport - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to identify how animals can be used as a mode of transport.
- Â Plus Plan
Communication Methods and Devices - Poster Pack
A pack of 11 posters explaining how a variety of communication methods and devices work.
- Â Plus Plan
Past and Present Teaching Resource Pack
A teaching resource pack of cut-out decorations, posters, games, PowerPoint presentations and worksheets about the past and present.