Australian Curriculum Categories
How groups, such as religious and cultural groups, express their particular identities; and how this influences their perceptions of others and vice versa
- investigating how and why different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are maintaining and developing their identities and what this means for Australia as a whole (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding)
- discussing how stereotypes are linked with people's cultural identity (for example, clothes, accent/language, media representations) (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding)
- considering how Australia's location in the Asian region influences interactions between Australians and those living in the region (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding)
- discussing how belonging to a religious or cultural group can provide a sense of belonging and how this group membership can shape an individual's identity (Skills: Personal and Social Capability, Intercultural Understanding)
- identifying the different ways that cultural and religious groups express their beliefs, identity and experiences (for example, through customs, practices, symbols, language, traditions and art, and virtual communities) (Skills: Intercultural Understanding)
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