Australian Curriculum Categories
The nature of water scarcity and ways of overcoming it, including studies drawn from Australia and West Asia and/or North Africa
- investigating the causes of water scarcity (for example, an absolute shortage of water (physical), inadequate development of water resources (economic), or the ways water is used) (Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Understanding)
- discussing the advantages and disadvantages of strategies to overcome water scarcity (for example, recycling ('grey water'), stormwater harvesting and re-use, desalination, inter-regional transfer of water and trade in virtual water, and reducing water consumption) (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding)
- examining why water is a difficult resource to manage and sustain (for example, because of its shared and competing uses and variability of supply over time and space) (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding)
- investigating whether the use of water in their place is sustainable (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
- investigating land use management practices that have adversely affected water supply, such as land clearing and some farming practices (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
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