Australian Curriculum Categories
Factors that influence the decisions people make about where to live and their perceptions of the liveability of places
- investigating their and others' interpretations of the concept of liveability and choices about where to live (for example, connections to cultural groups, adolescent 'bright lights' attraction, retiree tree change and families with children locating near schools, and other facilities) (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding)
- discussing the concept of liveability and the ways it is measured and comparing objective measures such as transportation infrastructure with subjective measures such as people's perceptions (Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding)
- comparing student access to and use of places and spaces in their local area and evaluating how this affects perceptions of liveability (Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- discussing that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples choose to live on their Country/Place or might prefer to if they had the choice (Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Personal and Social Capability, Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding)
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