Australian Curriculum Categories
Evaluate sources for their reliability and usefulness and select, collect and record relevant geographical data and information, using ethical protocols, from appropriate primary and secondary sources
- gathering relevant data from a range of primary sources (for example, from observation and annotated field sketches, surveys and interviews, or photographs) about the impacts of and responses to a hydrological hazard, or the factors influencing decisions people make about where to live (Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- collecting geographical information from secondary sources (for example, thematic maps, weather maps, climate graphs, compound column graphs and population pyramids, reports, census data and the media) (Skills: Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- applying ethical research methods, including the use of protocols for consultation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding)
- considering the reliability of primary and secondary data by finding out how and when it was collected, by whom and for what purpose (Skills: Critical and Creative Thinking)
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