Australian Curriculum Categories
People use science understanding and skills in their occupations and these have influenced the development of practices in areas of human activity
- investigating everyday applications of physical separation techniques such as filtering, sorting waste materials, reducing pollution, extracting products from plants, separating blood products and cleaning up oil spills (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- investigating how advances in science and technology have been applied to the treatment of water in industrial and household systems (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Understanding)
- investigating how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge is being used to inform scientific decisions, for example care of waterways (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Understanding, Intercultural Understanding)
- researching the different scientific responses to the rabbit plagues in Australian agricultural areas (Skills: Literacy, Critical and Creative Thinking)
- recognising that water management plays a role in areas such as farming, land management and gardening)
- investigating how separation techniques are used in the food and wine industries)
- considering how seasonal changes affect people in a variety of activities such as farming)
- considering how sports scientists apply knowledge of forces to improve performance)
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