Year 7
The Year 7 curriculum provides a study of the key features of Australia’s system of government and explores how this system aims to protect all Australians. Students examine the Australian Constitution and how its features, principles and values shape Australia’s democracy. They look at how the rights of individuals are protected through the justice system. Students also explore how Australia’s secular system of government supports a diverse society with shared values.
The civics and citizenship content at this year level involves two strands: civics and citizenship knowledge and understanding, and civics and citizenship skills. These strands are interrelated and have been developed to be taught in an integrated way, and in ways that are appropriate to specific local contexts. The order and detail in which they are taught are programming decisions.
Key inquiry questions
A framework for developing students’ civics and citizenship knowledge, understanding and skills at this year level is provided by the followingkey questions:
- How is Australia’s system of democratic government shaped by the Constitution?
- What principles of justice help to protect the individual’s rights to justice in Australia’s system of law?
- How is Australia a diverse society and what factors contribute to a cohesive society?
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 7, students explain features of Australia’s Constitution, including the process for constitutional change. They explain how Australia’s legal system is based on the principle of justice. Students explain the diverse nature of Australian society and identify the importance of shared values in promoting a cohesive society.
When researching, students develop a range of questions and gather and analyse information from different sources to investigate Australia’s political and legal systems. They consider different points of view on civics and citizenship issues. When planning for action, students take into account multiple perspectives to develop solutions to an issue. Students develop and present arguments on civics and citizenship issues using appropriate texts, terms and concepts. They identify ways they can be active and informed citizens.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in Japan - Holidays Around the World Mini Book
Introduce your students to Japanese Christmas traditions and decorations with a printable Christmas in Japan Mini Book.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in Egypt – Celebrations Around the World Mini Book
Introduce your students to Egyptian Christmas traditions with a printable Christmas in Egypt Mini Book.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in Italy - La Befana Christmas Craft
Introduce your students to the traditions and figures associated with Christmas in Italy by crafting a La Befana tree topper!
- Plus Plan
Christmas in The Philippines Mini Book
Introduce your students to Filipino Christmas celebrations and traditions with a printable Christmas in the Philippines book for kids.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in the Philippines - Parol Christmas Craft Template
Learn traditions related to Christmas in the Philippines with a Filipino Parol Christmas craft printable.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Traditions Around the World - Switzerland Mini Book
Introduce your students to Christmas in Switzerland with a printable Christmas Around the World book
- Plus Plan
Christmas in France - Mini Book for Kids
Introduce your students to Christmas traditions in France with a printable Christmas Around the World Mini Book.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Around the World Mini Book - Germany
Introduce your students to Germany's Christmas traditions and decorations with a printable Christmas Around the World Mini Book.
- Plus Plan
Australian Christmas Bush Craft Template
Decorate with one of Australia’s Christmas traditions and decorations with a printable Christmas bush craft template.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Around the World – Brazil Mini Book
Introduce your students to Brazil’s Christmas traditions and decorations with a printable Christmas Around the World Mini Book.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Around the World Mini Book - Sweden
Introduce your students to Christmas in Sweden with a printable mini book and graphic organiser.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Around the World Mini Book - Mexico
Introduce your students to Mexico's Christmas traditions and decorations with a printable Christmas Around the World Mini Book.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Gnome Craft Template – Sweden
Introduce your students to one of Sweden’s most popular Christmas figures with a printable 'tomte' or gnome craft template.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in Japan - Kindness Christmas Light Template
Use a Christmas light template to create a Kindness Christmas bulb craft while learning about Christmas in Japan.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in Switzerland - Samichlaus Paper Plate Craft
Learn about Christmas in Switzerland and introduce your students to Samichlaus with a printable paper plate Christmas craft template.
- Plus Plan
Brazilian Tinsel Tail Bird Ornament Craft
Introduce your students to Christmas in Brazil with a printable tinsel-tailed bird Christmas ornament template.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Poinsettia Craft Template
Introduce your students to Mexico's Christmas traditions and decorations with a printable poinsettia craft template.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Gingerbread House Template
Introduce your students to one of Germany’s most popular Christmas traditions with a printable gingerbread house craft template.