- Plus Plan
Quick Thinker Game – Worksheet
An alphabet racing game to help prompt vocabulary knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Splat! Active Game
An active game that allows students to test and build their vocabulary knowledge.
- Plus Plan
Hopping Through Hoops Active Game
An active game that allows students to review vocabulary words for any content area.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Tracking Chart – Monster Theme
A classroom display that allows students to see their progress towards using correct grammar and punctuation in their sentences.
- Plus Plan
Punctuation Tracking Chart – Monster Theme
A classroom display that allows students to see their progress towards using correct grammar and punctuation in their sentences.
- Plus Plan
Mood - Literary Element Poster
A poster with a description and example of mood, a literary element.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Card Game – Upper Years Classroom Game – Set 2
A card game for nouns, verbs and adjectives.
- Plus Plan
Suffix Dominoes - Vocabulary Game
Identify new words that include common suffixes with a fun suffixes vocabulary game.
- Plus Plan
Building Words with Prefixes Sorting Activity
Build words by matching the root word to prefixes and recording the new terms on the answer sheet.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Skills Bookmarks
Learn how to use a dictionary and use these dictionary skills bookmarks to help!
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Poster Set
Display this poster set in the classroom when learning dictionary skills and the parts of a dictionary.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Entry PowerPoint
Learn about the different parts of a dictionary with this Teaching PowerPoint.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Dictionary Entry Flipbook
Learn and practise dictionary skills with this Parts of a Dictionary Entry Flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Dictionary Sorting Game
Get students in the habit of researching with our dictionary activity that helps learners match a word to its definition and part of speech.
- Plus Plan
Antonym Poster
A poster showing the definition and examples of antonyms.
- Plus Plan
Around in Circles Active Game
An active game to use when reviewing any type of content with your students.
- Plus Plan
Spelling Words Card Game – Editable
A card game for spelling words.
- Plus Plan
Analogy- Literary Technique Poster
A poster with a description and examples of analogy, a literary technique.
- Plus Plan
Idioms Poster
A poster giving the definition for and examples of idioms.
- Plus Plan
Writing Narrative Texts Unit Plan - Year 5 and Year 6
This English unit addresses the narrative text type; specifically, how to write an engaging narrative text.
- Plus Plan
Writing Biographical Texts Unit Plan
This English unit addresses the purpose, structure and language features of the biography text type.
- Plus Plan
Writing Persuasive Texts Unit Plan - Year 5 and Year 6
This English unit addresses the genre of persuasion; specifically, how to write an effective persuasive text.
- Plus Plan
Introduction to Historical Recounts Unit Plan
This English unit has been designed to introduce the historical recount text type to older students; specifically, the purpose, structure and language features of factual historical recounts.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Texts - Language Features
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore the language features of narrative texts.
- Plus Plan
Historical Recounts - Literary vs Factual
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the difference between a literary historical recount and a factual historical recount.
- Plus Plan
Using Persuasive Devices
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore persuasive devices.
- Plus Plan
Historical Recounts - Text Structure
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore the structure of historical recounts.
- Plus Plan
Biographical Text Language Features
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore the structure of biographical texts.
- Plus Plan
Life Events – What to Include?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore life events that may or may not be included in a biographical text.
- Plus Plan
Biographical Texts Structure
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and explore the structure of biographical texts.