Knowledge and Understanding
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Knowledge and Understanding in F-6/7 HASS Year 3 includes:
- History Concepts for developing understanding The content in the history sub-strand provides opportunities for students to develop historical understanding through key concepts including sources, continuity a...
- Geography Concepts for developing understanding The content in the geography sub-strand provides opportunities to develop students' understanding of place, space, environment and interconnection. Students ...
- Civics and citizenship Concepts for developing understanding The content in the civics and citizenship sub-strand provides opportunities for students to develop understanding about democracy, laws and citizens and citizensh...
- Plus Plan
The Apology Transcript and Activities
An excerpt from Kevin Rudd's Apology to the Stolen Generations with matching activity task cards.
- Plus Plan
New Year's Poster - Information
A poster with information about New Year's.
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Word Jumble Worksheet
A worksheet to use as a Harmony Day resource for all grades.
- Plus Plan
Groups I Belong To Worksheet
A worksheet to use as a Harmony Day resource for all grades.
- Plus Plan
Eiffel Tower Oil Pastel Art Activity
A creative art activity to use when learning about the Bastille Day celebration.
- Free Plan
Basant Kite Festival Fact Sheet
A fact sheet covering important facts and traditions of the Basant Kite Festival in Pakistan and India.
- Free Plan
Bastille Day Fact Sheet
A fact sheet covering important facts and traditions of Bastille Day in France.
- Free Plan
Independence Day Fact Sheet
A fact sheet covering important facts and traditions of Independence Day in the United States of America.
- Free Plan
Chinese New Year Fact Sheet
A fact sheet covering important facts and traditions of Chinese New Year.
- Plus Plan
Blank Map of South Australia - Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Australian state of South Australia.
- Plus Plan
Map of the Northern Territory Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Northern Territory.
- Plus Plan
Black Map of the Australian Capital Territory - Template
Record and represent data about the location of significant places with this printable blank map of the Australian Capital Territory.
- Free Plan
Types of Settlements Posters
5 beautifully illustrated posters explaining the various types of settlements.
- Plus Plan
Map of Vanuatu
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Vanuatu.
- Plus Plan
Matariki Poster
A poster to display in your classroom during Matariki (Māori New Year).
- Plus Plan
Matariki Word Wall Vocabulary
A set of 18 Matariki related vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Matariki Worksheets
A collection of 6 worksheets to use with your class when exploring Matariki (Māori New Year).
- Plus Plan
Map of The Solomon Islands
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of The Solomon Islands.
- Plus Plan
Map of Singapore
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Singapore.
- Plus Plan
Map of Papua New Guinea
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Papua New Guinea.
- Plus Plan
Map of New Caledonia
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map ofNew Calendonia.
- Plus Plan
Map of Fiji
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Fiji.
- Plus Plan
Map of Timor-Leste
Familiarise your students with Australia’s neighbouring countries with this detailed map of Timor-Leste.
- Plus Plan
African Flags Worksheets - BW
Eight black and white worksheets with flags from Africa.
- Plus Plan
African Flags
Eight flags from Africa.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2021 Teaching Resource Pack
A NAIDOC Week 2021 teaching resource pack that contains activities, worksheets and information for your students.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week Land Rights Teaching Resource Pack
Wingaru Education has put together a timeline of Aboriginal land rights events. From the time of Cook’s intrusive exploration and the subsequent invasion by the First Fleet, land has been taken from Aboriginal People against their will. There are a number of ways to delve into this topic with your class.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week Teaching Resource Pack
An extensive collection of teaching resources to use during NAIDOC Week.
- Plus Plan
Our Place - Australia Unit Plan
This Humanities and Social Sciences unit addresses a range of concepts relating to the natural and human features of Australia.
- Plus Plan
An Introduction to Aboriginal Art Unit Plan
This Visual Arts unit addresses the history of Aboriginal art in Australia and the variety of techniques used in different artworks.
- Plus Plan
Australia's First People Unit Plan
This History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the diversity of Australia's first people and the long and continuous connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Country.
- Plus Plan
Celebrations Around The World Unit Plan
This Humanities and Social Sciences unit addresses the topic of celebrations. It covers personal, family and community celebrations; national days; Australia-specific commemorations and religious/cultural celebrations from around the world.