Knowledge and Understanding
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Knowledge and Understanding in F-6/7 HASS Year 4 includes:
- History Concepts for developing understanding The content in the history sub-strand provides opportunities for students to develop historical understanding through key concepts including sources, continuity a...
- Geography Concepts for developing understanding The content in the geography sub-strand provides opportunities to develop students' understanding of place, space, environment, interconnection and sustainab...
- Civics and citizenship Concepts for developing understanding The content in the civics and citizenship sub-strand provides opportunities for students to develop understanding about government and democracy, laws and citizen...
- Plus Plan
Water Overuse – Infographic Poster and Worksheet
Explore the overuse of water and its effects on the world’s population with this eye-opening infographic poster and accompanying comprehension worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Role of Plants - Instructional Slide Deck
Explore the different ways that plants can be beneficial with an interactive slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Renewable or Nonrenewable? - Self-Checking Interactive
Investigate the differences between renewable and nonrenewable resources with a self-checking interactive science game.
- Plus Plan
The Continent of Africa - Mini-Book
Explore the wonders and delights of the continent of Africa with this informative printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Being Water Wise - Saving Water Poster Project
Learn and demonstrate knowledge about water conservation with a "Being Water Wise" poster project.
- Plus Plan
A World Without Water - Natural Resource Worksheet
Imagine and depict what a world without water would look like with a drawing prompt worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources – Sorting Activity
Identify resources as either renewable or nonrenewable with this 24-card sorting activity
- Free Plan
Water Conservation Foldable
Display different ways to save water with this water conservation foldable.
- Plus Plan
Energy Saving Reminders
Inspire your students to conserve electricity with these energy-saving reminders that can be placed around the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Sustainability Quotes Poster Pack
Inspire sustainable practices in the classroom with a pack of printable Sustainability Quote posters.
- Plus Plan
Environmental Awareness Flip Book - Earth Day Activity
Use this flip book to build awareness of actions that are good and bad for the environment.
- Plus Plan
Acclimatised Civilisations: Andes Mountains – Workbook
Learn about the physical and human geography of the Andes mountains in South America with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
- Plus Plan
Why Teach About Aboriginal Astronomy? Poster
An educational poster providing a rationale for teaching Australian children about Aboriginal astronomy.
- Plus Plan
Why Teach About Cultural Burning? Poster
An educational poster providing a rationale for teaching Australian children about cultural burning.
- Plus Plan
The Rabbits – Worksheet
A worksheet that explores the ideas and issues within the plot of The Rabbits by John Marsden.
- Free Plan
Australian Place Name Origins Worksheet
A worksheet exploring the connection of Australian place names to First Nations languages.
- Plus Plan
Captain Cook Word Wall
A vocabulary word wall to display and use in the classroom when learning about the explorations of Captain James Cook.
- Plus Plan
What is a Bushland? Poster
A poster with information about the plant life, climate and annual rainfall that characterise a bushland environment.
- Plus Plan
What is a Rainforest? Poster
A poster with information about the plant life, climate and annual rainfall that characterise a rainforest environment.
- Plus Plan
Australian Convicts Timeline
A timeline showing the progression of convict colonisation in Australia.
- Free Plan
British Colonisation Areas in Australia - 1846 Map and Worksheet
A map to display in the classroom when learning about areas in Australian that were colonised by the British in 1846.
- Free Plan
Desert Word Wall Vocabulary
Spark discussion and build academic vocabulary with a desert related vocabulary word wall.
- Plus Plan
Helping the Earth Flipbook
Use this printable recycling flipbook with your students to teach them about ways to help Earth.
- Plus Plan
Save the Planet - Kids Mini Book
Teach your students to reduce, reuse, and recycle with a printable Save the Planet kid's book.
- Free Plan
National Tree Day Activity Pack
Celebrating National Tree Day with a pack of exciting activities!
- Plus Plan
How to Save Water Poster and Worksheet Pack
Teach your students ways to save water with a printable poster and worksheet pack.
- Plus Plan
I Promise To... Earth Day Flip Book Craft
Make a promise to protect the planet with a printable Earth Day flip book.
- Plus Plan
Natural Resources Mini Book
Learn about natural resources with this printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Acclimatised Civilisations: Egypt – Workbook
Learn about the physical and human geography of Egypt and the Sahara Desert with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
- Plus Plan
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Environmental Word Wall
Help your students learn about recycling and conservation with an illustrated word wall.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC 2021 – Heal Country! - Word Search (Middle Years)
A puzzle related to key concepts of the NAIDOC theme.
- Plus Plan
Why Teach About Dreaming Stories? Poster
An educational poster providing a rationale for teaching Australian children about Dreaming stories.