Knowledge and Understanding
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Knowledge and Understanding in F-6/7 HASS Year 4 includes:
- History Concepts for developing understanding The content in the history sub-strand provides opportunities for students to develop historical understanding through key concepts including sources, continuity a...
- Geography Concepts for developing understanding The content in the geography sub-strand provides opportunities to develop students' understanding of place, space, environment, interconnection and sustainab...
- Civics and citizenship Concepts for developing understanding The content in the civics and citizenship sub-strand provides opportunities for students to develop understanding about government and democracy, laws and citizen...
- Plus Plan
The Continents of Africa and South America Unit Plan
This Geography unit addresses the topographical features and the natural environment of the continents of Africa and South America.
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First Fleet Assessment Task
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will demonstrate an understanding of the people impacted by the arrival of the First Fleet.
- Plus Plan
Aboriginal Bark Paintings
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the history and traditional techniques of Aboriginal bark paintings.
- Plus Plan
James Cook and His Voyage to Australia
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the significance of James Cook's voyage to Australia.
- Plus Plan
The Age of Exploration, Discovery and Expansion Unit Plan
This History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the early explorers of the Age of Exploration and the 'discovery' of Australia.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of South America
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the natural environment of the continent of South America.
- Plus Plan
Convict Life
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the life of a convict transported to Australia.
- Plus Plan
Early Explorers Assessment Task
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will demonstrate an understanding of the Age of Exploration and how the journeys of explorers impacted upon other societies.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples sourced their food from the land.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the meaning of totems for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Plus Plan
Sustainability - Ask the Experts
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' views about sustainability.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the effects and potential consequences of deforestation.
- Plus Plan
The Topography of South America
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the topographical features of the continent of South America.
- Plus Plan
Aboriginal X-Ray Art
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the history and traditional techniques of Aboriginal x-ray art.
- Plus Plan
Chinese Exploration
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the exploration of the Chinese during the fifteenth century.
- Plus Plan
An Introduction to Aboriginal Art
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the different types of Aboriginal art in Australia.
- Plus Plan
Occupations and Sustainability in Technologies Unit Plan
This Technology unit has been designed to investigate the role that technology plays in occupations within the community. Additionally, it introduces and explores the concept of sustainability.
- Plus Plan
What Are Natural Resources?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify both renewable and non-renewable resources and where they come from.
- Plus Plan
Celebrations Inquiry Task - Researching
A 60 minute lesson in which students will deepen understanding of celebrations around the world through inquiry-based research.
- Plus Plan
An Expanding Colony
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the struggles of the early colony and the reasons for expansion.
- Plus Plan
Life in Britain During the 1700s
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate life in Britain during the late 1700s.
- Plus Plan
Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch Explorers
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how the Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch explorers contributed to the European 'discovery' of Australia.
- Plus Plan
Aboriginal Rock Art
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the history and traditional techniques of Aboriginal rock art.
- Plus Plan
Terra Australis Incognita
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand why the fifteenth century was known as the Age of Exploration.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how Aboriginalcultures use art as a language to document their history.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples used the land to make tools.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples used the land for shelter.
- Plus Plan
The Original Inhabitants
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the original inhabitants of Australia.
- Plus Plan
How Much Waste Do We Throw Away?
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will apply waste management strategies to reduce classroom waste.
- Plus Plan
Sustainable Water Use
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate sustainable water use.
- Plus Plan
Adapting to Country/Place
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' ways of living were adapted to the resources of their Country/Place.
- Plus Plan
Overuse of Water
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the effects and potential consequences of water overuse.