Measurement and Geometry
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Measurement and Geometry in Mathematics Year 4 includes:
- Plus Plan
Printable Angle Maker Template
Create and classify some angles with this hands-on printable that is super fun to use.
- Free Plan
Data Maths Investigation – Line Up the Coins
A mathematics investigation about data, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Clock Reading & Elapsed Time Quiz
Assess your students' knowledge of telling time to the minute and working with elapsed time with this 2-page Telling Time Quiz.
- Free Plan
24-Hour Time Poster
A poster showing 24-hour time and how it correlates with am/pm.
- Plus Plan
Mass Maths Investigation - How Much Do We Throw Away?
A mathematics investigation about measuring mass, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Rotational Symmetry Teaching Presentation
Share this 12-slide rotational symmetry teaching presentation with your Grade 4s to expose them to the concept of rotational symmetry.
- Plus Plan
Volume with Unit Cubes – Worksheet
Use this worksheet to reinforce how to find the volume of a rectangular prism by counting the number of unit cubes.
- Plus Plan
2D Shapes with Information – Poster
A 2D shapes poster with 16 common shapes, as well as information characterising each shape.
- Plus Plan
Geometric Reasoning Worksheets - Year 4
2 geometric reasoning worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Free Plan
Converting Units of Time – Task Cards
Practise converting time with a handy set of free Time Unit Conversion Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Finding Volume with Unit Cubes – Task Cards
Count unit cubes to determine the volume of a rectangular prism with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Conversion Worksheets - Units of Time
Use a set of printable measurement conversion worksheets to practice converting units of time.
- Plus Plan
Angles in Our Environment Teaching Slides
Explore angles in the environment using this comprehensive teaching presentation for Year 3 students.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Clock Template
Start telling time to the nearest five-minute increment with a hands-on printable clock template.
- Plus Plan
Is It a Line of Symmetry? Worksheets
Assign this lines of symmetry worksheet to your students to check their understanding of the existence of a line of symmetry on various 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Draw The Line of Symmetry Worksheets
Use this lines of symmetry worksheet to help students practise drawing lines of symmetry on 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Treasure Island - Mapping Skills Worksheet
Put mapping skills into practice by creating a map of a treasure island!
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Hour, Half-hour, Quarter To and Quarter Past
Play a few rounds of Telling the Time Bingo to practise telling the time to the quarter hours.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Time Test Pack
Assess your students’ abilities to convert units of time with a set of differentiated time conversion tests.
- Plus Plan
Converting Time Word Problems Worksheet
Develop problem solving skills set of printable multi-step time conversion worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Year 4 Elapsed Time Word Problems - Task Cards
Solve different types of elapsed time word problems with a set of printable Year 4 Elapsed Time Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Mixed Times
Thirty-two different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Plus Plan
Rotational Symmetry of Shapes Grade 4 Worksheet
Use this two-page rotational symmetry worksheet consolidate student understanding of this geometry (space) concept.
- Plus Plan
Volume of Rectangular Prisms – Interactive Activity
Practise calculating the volume of rectangular prisms with this interactive activity.
- Plus Plan
Build Your Own Theme Park – Project
A project that gives students the opportunity to learn through building their own theme park.
- Plus Plan
12 Hour Clock Template
A template for an interactive 12 hour clock that displays hours, minutes and wording.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Year 2 Worksheets
Practise telling time on a clock with a set of 5 printable telling time Year 2 worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Line of Symmetry 2D Shapes Interactive Activity
Engage your students in a variety of interactive activities all focused on the line of symmetry for 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Angle Hunt – Interactive Maths Game
Review the six main angle types (acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex and revolution) with an interactive digital learning activity.
- Plus Plan
Using Cardinal Directions – Worksheet
A worksheet to practise using cardinal directions.
- Plus Plan
2D Symmetry Poster - Reflection and Rotational
This 2D symmetry poster explores both reflection and rotational symmetry.
- Plus Plan
Measuring in CM and MM Matching Activity
Practise measuring objects to the nearest centimetre and millimetre with this match-up activity.