Years 7 and 8
In Media Arts, students:
- build on their understanding of structure, intent, character, settings, points of view and genre conventions and explore media conventions in their media artworks
- build on their understanding and use of time, space, sound, movement, lighting and technologies
- examine the ways in which audiences make meaning and how different audiences engage with and share media artworks
- draw on media arts from a range of cultures, times and locations as they experience media arts
- explore the media arts and influences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and of the Asia region
- learn that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have converted oral records to other technologies
- explore social and cultural values and beliefs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as represented in media artworks and consider how these may influence the media artworks they make
- learn that over time there has been further development of different traditional and contemporary styles as they explore media forms
- explore meaning and interpretation, forms and elements including structure, intent, character, settings, points of view, genre conventions and media conventions as they make and respond to media artworks
- consider social, cultural and historical influences and representations in media arts
- evaluate how established behaviours or conventions influence media artworks they engage with and make
- maintain safety in use of technologies and in interaction with others, including the use of images and works of others
- develop ethical practices and consider regulatory issues when using technology
- build on their understanding from previous bands of the roles of artists and audiences as they engage with more diverse media artworks.
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 8, students identify and analyse how representations of social values and points of view are portrayed in the media artworks they make, distribute and view. They evaluate how they and other makers and users of media artworks from different cultures, times and places use genre and media conventions and technical and symbolic elements to make meaning. They identify and analyse the social and ethical responsibility of the makers and users of media artworks.
Students produce representations of social values and points of view in media artworks for particular audiences and contexts. They use genre and media conventions and shape technical and symbolic elements for specific purposes and meaning. They collaborate with others in design and production processes, and control equipment and technologies to achieve their intentions.