Years 7 and 8
In Music, students:
- build on their aural skills by identifying and manipulating rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture in their listening, composing and performing
- aurally identify layers within a texture
- sing and play independent parts against contrasting parts
- recognise rhythmic, melodic and harmonic patterns and beat groupings
- understand their role within an ensemble and control tone and volume
- perform with expression and technical control
- identify a variety of audiences for which music is made
- draw on music from a range of cultures, times and locations as they experience music
- explore the music and influences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and those of the Asia region
- learn that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have converted oral records to other technologies
- learn that over time there has been further development of techniques used in traditional and contemporary styles of music as they explore form in music
- explore meaning and interpretation, forms, and elements including rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture as they make and respond to music
- consider social, cultural and historical contexts of music
- evaluate the expressive techniques used in music they listen to and experience in performance
- maintain safety, correct posture and technique in using instruments and technologies
- build on their understanding from previous bands of the roles of artists and audiences as they engage with more diverse music.
Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 8, students identify and analyse how the elements of music are used in different styles and apply this knowledge in their performances and compositions. They evaluate musical choices they and others from different cultures, times and places make to communicate meaning as performers and composers.
Students manipulate the elements of music and stylistic conventions to compose music. They interpret, rehearse and perform songs and instrumental pieces in unison and in parts, demonstrating technical and expressive skills. They use aural skills, music terminology and symbols to recognise, memorise and notate features, such as melodic patterns in music they perform and compose.