Earth and space sciences
Based on the Australian Curriculum, Earth and space sciences in Science Year 2 includes:
- ACSSU032 Earth's resources are used in a variety of ways
- Plus Plan
The Water Cycle – Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Enhance your students’ comprehension and science vocabulary skills with this water cycle worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Water is Life - Instructional PowerPoint
Learn about the importance of water to life on Earth, along with where water comes from, with an instructional slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Plant Growth in Soils – Science Experiment
Explore how plants grow in different types of soil with this science experiment perfect for primary school science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Types of Soils – Comprehension Worksheets
Explore the properties of sand, silt, loam and clay with a set of 4 reading passages with accompanying comprehension questions.
- Plus Plan
Water Cycle Diagram
Display this water cycle diagram when teaching about the continuous movement of water above and on the surface of the Earth.
- Plus Plan
Water Cycle Sort – Sorting Activity
Use knowledge of the steps in the water cycle to categorise examples with this sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Types of Soil – Teaching Presentation
Practise identifying different types of soil with this 18-slide teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
The Importance of Soil – Comprehension Worksheets
Teach your students about the importance of soil to plants, animals and humans with this differentiated reading comprehension passage with accompanying questions.
- Plus Plan
Why Is Soil Important? Teaching Slides
Explain to your students how living things depend on soil with this informative teaching presentation perfect for primary school science lessons.
- Free Plan
Soil Properties Lab – Brochure Template
Investigate different soil types and their properties with this hands-on activity.
- Plus Plan
10 Fascinating Facts About Water – Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a magazine article from the Year 2 magazine (Issue 3).
- Free Plan
Soil Vocabulary Word Search
Immerse your students in the subject-specific vocabulary related to soil with this word search perfect for primary science lessons.
- Plus Plan
The Importance of Soil Posters
Show your students how plants, animals and humans need soil to survive with this set of three informative classroom posters to accompany your science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Soil Word Wall Vocabulary Cards
Immerse your students in subject-specific vocabulary related to soil types and their properties with this set of 16 illustrated vocabulary cards.
- Plus Plan
Water Retention in Soils – Science Experiment
Explore the water retention capabilities of sand, silt, loam and clay with this science experiment for kids.
- Plus Plan
Label a Soil Profile – Worksheet
Identify and label different layers with this soil profile worksheet.
- Free Plan
Water Cycle Words - Illustrated Word Wall
Boost vocabulary skills and understanding with an illustrated water cycle word wall.
- Plus Plan
Water Cycle Mini-Book (In Depth)
Use this 8-page mini-book when learning about the water cycle.
- Plus Plan
How Soil Is Used by Living Things? Cut and Paste Worksheet
Explore the uses of soil with your students using this simple cut-and-paste worksheet for early years students.
- Plus Plan
Soil Vocabulary Worksheet
Teach your students the subject-specific vocabulary related to soil and its properties with this vocabulary worksheet perfect for primary school science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Nature Walk Brochure Template
Have your students explore their natural surroundings with this nature walk brochure template.
- Plus Plan
Soil Properties Cut and Paste Worksheet
Download this soil properties cut-and-paste worksheet to explore soil types and their properties in your science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Types of Soil Mini-Book
Teach your students about the four main types of soil with this printable book, perfect for your science lessons!
- Plus Plan
Types of Soil Chart
Remind your students about the four main types of soil with this soil chart for your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Properties of Soil Teaching Slides
Explore the properties of sand, silt, loam and clay with this comprehensive set of teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Soil Creation – Worksheet
Integrate reading and science with this 7-question comprehension worksheet about soil.
- Plus Plan
How Soil Is Created – Teaching Presentation
Learn about how soil is made with this 15-slide teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Write About It! Recycling Writing Prompt Worksheets
Differentiate writing instruction in primary grades with informational writing prompts about recycling and conservation.
- Plus Plan
How Does Water Get to Our Taps? – Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for an information report from the Year 2 magazine (Issue 2).
- Plus Plan
Soil Use in Our School Worksheets
Have students explore how soil is used around the school with this set of four differentiated worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Properties of Soil Task Cards
Review the properties of the most common soil types with this set of 24 multiple-choice task cards.
- Plus Plan
Earth Day - Acrostic Poem Template Pack
An acrostic poem template to use in the classroom to celebrate Earth Day and National Poetry Month.