Understand that words can represent people, places and things (nouns, including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities (adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs)
- Free Plan
Spider Writing Worksheets - Year 1
Differentiate writing instruction in year 1 with a group of leveled informational writing prompts about spiders
- Free Plan
Grammar Grid - Parts of Speech Mystery Picture (Crab)
Follow the colour-coded parts of speech guide to fill in the word grid and reveal a mystery image.
- Plus Plan
Types of Adverbs Teaching Slides
Explore five types of adverbs in this action-packed adverb adventure teaching slide deck! This resource covers adverbs of time, place, manner, frequency and degree.
- Plus Plan
Colour by Parts of Speech - Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives - Octopus
Practise using parts of speech by colouring nouns, verbs and adjectives on the octopus.
- Plus Plan
Adverbs and Adjectives Interactive Activity
Share this interactive drag-and-drop activity with your students to allow them to practise the correct use of adverbs and adjectives in the English language.
- Plus Plan
Colour by Parts of Speech - Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Pronouns, Prepositions and Adverbs - Toucan
Consolidate your parts of speech lesson by colouring nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions and adverbs on the toucan.
- Plus Plan
My Drawing of the Gingerbread Man Worksheet
An engaging worksheet in the theme of the Gingerbread Man that explores the use of adjectives through drawing.
- Plus Plan
Grammar Worksheet Pack – Lower Primary
A 13 page worksheet pack to consolidate the learning of different grammar concepts in the early years.
- Plus Plan
Action Verbs Bingo
Identify action verbs with this set of 20 BINGO cards.
- Plus Plan
Action Verbs Picture Puzzle
Practise recognising and using verbs with this 15 piece picture puzzle.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Worksheet - Halloween Nouns and Verbs
Use this English grammar worksheet to add some Halloween spirit to your nouns and verbs lessons with a cut-and-paste worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Adverb Entry and Exit Tickets (Differentiated)
Use these exit tickets to teach your students how to use adverbs to add detail in simple sentences!
- Plus Plan
Adverb Whole Class Game
Teach your students how to use adverbs to add detail in simple sentences with this fun whole-class game!
- Plus Plan
Adjective or Adverb? Task Cards
Use this set of 24 task cards to help students understand where an adverb or an adjective is the correct modifier in a sentence.
- Plus Plan
Grammar TVs
Grammar presented on TVs.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech - Colour by Code Mystery Picture Worksheet
Follow the colour-coded parts of speech guide to fill in the word grid and reveal a mystery image.
- Plus Plan
Year 1 Magazine - "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 2) Task Cards
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with Issue 2 of Teach Starter’s Year 1 magazine.
- Plus Plan
Adverbs Drama Game
Enjoy this fun drama game with your students as you teach them that adverbs describe how, when or where a verb is happening!
- Plus Plan
Write With Your Senses: Daily Descriptive Writing Prompts
Inspire your students to write descriptively using our 20 daily descriptive writing prompts slide deck and graphic organiser.
- Plus Plan
Year 1 Magazine – "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 3) Task Cards
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with Issue 3 of Teach Starter’s Year 1 magazine.
- Plus Plan
Holiday Adjective Worksheet Pack
Have some festive fun using printable Christmas adjective worksheets to practise describing nouns.
- Plus Plan
Easter Worksheets - Grammar Practise
Practise skills learnt in literacy with this Easter-themed grammar activity pack.
- Plus Plan
Parts of Speech Word Search (Nouns and Verbs) – Worksheet
A word search where students find and categorise nouns and verbs.
- Plus Plan
Comical Chronicle Worksheets – Year 3 – Set 2
A set of 10 ad-lib style stories for students to complete.
- Free Plan
Label These Sentences! – Worksheet
A worksheet that requires students to label the parts of speech in sentences.
- Plus Plan
Noun and Verb Sort – Worksheet
A simple noun and verb sorting worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Word of the Week PowerPoint - Year 1
A 40 slide PowerPoint Template for introducing new vocabulary to year 1 students.
- Plus Plan
Relative Adverbs Worksheet Pack
Use this pack of five worksheets to help your students practise the correct use of relative adverbs in text.
- Plus Plan
Relative Adverbs Interactive Activity
Use this relative adverbs interactive activity as a warm up for your grammar lesson or to refresh students’ memories before a writing session!
- Plus Plan
Year 1 Magazine - "What's Buzzing?" (Issue 1) Task Cards
A set of five literacy rotation task cards to be used in conjunction with Issue 1 of Teach Starter's Year 1 magazine.
- Plus Plan
Dolch Sight Word Flashcards - Nouns
Use these flashcards to help students practice their Dolch sight words.
- Plus Plan
Adver-relays Active Learning Game
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.