Use comprehension strategies when listening and viewing to build literal and inferred meaning, and begin to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features
- Free Plan
Reading Response Summarising – Template
A comprehension template for students to practise summarising.
- Plus Plan
Angry Outbursts – Comprehension Worksheet
Explore emotional awareness and healthy calming strategies with this comic-style comprehension passage and accompanying questions.
- Plus Plan
Distinguish Between Fact and Opinion Poster
A poster highlighting how to distinguish between fact and opinion when reading a piece of text.
- Free Plan
Inference vs Prediction Poster
A poster outlining the similarities and differences between inference and prediction.
- Plus Plan
Author's Purpose Pie
A pie that shows the three main reasons an author writes a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Around the World - Year 3 Reading Comprehension
Discover how Christmas is celebrated in the northern and southern hemispheres with printable reading comprehension sheets for Year 3.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Magazine – What's Buzzing? (Issue 3)
Issue 3 of our beautifully designed, 22-page reading magazine specifically designed for Year 3 students.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Character Report – Template
A comprehension template for students to write a character report about the text they have been reading.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Recalling Facts And Details
A set of comprehension task cards to help students recall facts and details when reading.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Roald Dahl
A comprehension activity using a biography of Roald Dahl.
- Plus Plan
Reciprocal Teaching Role Bookmarks
A set of 4 colourful bookmarks explaining reciprocal teaching roles.
- Plus Plan
Finding The Main Idea - Comprehension Task (Turtles)
Explore the wonderful world of turtles with this comprehension task focusing on the main idea.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Journal – Comprehension Templates
A journal with comprehension sheets designed for students to study texts.
- Free Plan
Hermes' Hocus Pocus – Comprehension Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a narrative from the Year 3 magazine (Issue 3).
- Plus Plan
Author's Purpose - Sorting Worksheet
A teaching resource to help teach your students the different reasons authors may write.
- Plus Plan
120 Comprehension Strategy Question Cards
A set of 120 open-ended question cards to help students apply comprehension strategies when reading.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Solar Force Five
A fun script and set of questions to help students develop reading and comprehension strategies.
- Plus Plan
Reading Detectives Resource Pack
A 16 page resource pack including 8 detective roles to assign to students during guided reading sessions.
- Plus Plan
Sophia the Superdog! - Comprehension Text and Questions
A superdog themed text and set of questions to help develop comprehension strategies in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension - Thunderstorms
A comprehension activity using an information text about thunderstorms.
- Plus Plan
Identify Author's Purpose Poster
A poster highlighting how to identify the author's purpose when reading a piece of text.
- Plus Plan
The Importance of Soil – Comprehension Worksheets
Teach your students about the importance of soil to plants, animals and humans with this differentiated reading comprehension passage with accompanying questions.
- Plus Plan
Compare and Contrast Worksheets - Neil Armstrong vs. Amelia Earhart
Compare and contrast Neil Armstrong and Amelia Earhart with differentiated reading comprehension worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Level 7 Decodable Readers - Worksheet Pack
A set of one-pager worksheet versions of the texts from our Level 7 decodable readers.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Making Connections – Template
A comprehension template for students to learn how to make connections.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Personal Review – Template
A comprehension template for students to write a text review about what they have been reading.
- Plus Plan
Reading Response Questioning – Template
A comprehension template for students to practise questioning.
- Plus Plan
Canine Communication Collar – Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a fake advertisement from the Year 4 magazine (Issue 2).
- Plus Plan
iFoundit 4 – Worksheet
A comprehension worksheet for a fake advertisement from the Year 4 magazine (Issue 3).
- Plus Plan
Compare and Contrast - Objects Worksheets
A pack of 5 worksheets comparing and contrasting pictures of similar objects.
- Plus Plan
Comprehension Task Cards - Compare And Contrast
A set of comprehension task cards to help students compare and contrast when reading.
- Plus Plan
Activating Prior Knowledge - Comprehension Strategy Task Cards
A set of 12 task cards to help students activate their prior knowledge before reading.