Describe the relationship between the hours and minutes on analog and digital clocks, and read the time to the nearest minute
- Free Plan
Free Telling Time to the Minute Worksheets
A worksheet for telling time to the minute and converting between analogue and digital times.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Using Units of Measurement Worksheets Bundle
Download year 3 worksheets for using units of measurement that are linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
It's About Time! Introduction to Time PowerPoint
Introduce your students to the concepts and history of time and for investigate the relationship between units of time with an interactive teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Poster
Help your students learn to tell the time to the hour, half-hour, quarter, and minute with a printable Telling the Time anchor chart PDF.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Worksheets - Differentiated Maths
Practise using analogue clocks with this set of differentiated tell-the-time clock worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Clock Reading & Elapsed Time Quiz
Assess your students' knowledge of telling time to the minute and working with elapsed time with this 2-page Telling Time Quiz.
- Free Plan
Converting Units of Time – Task Cards
Practise converting time with a handy set of free Time Unit Conversion Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Clock Template
Start telling time to the nearest five-minute increment with a hands-on printable clock template.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Hour, Half-hour, Quarter To and Quarter Past
Play a few rounds of Telling the Time Bingo to practise telling the time to the quarter hours.
- Plus Plan
Converting Time Word Problems Worksheet
Develop problem solving skills set of printable multi-step time conversion worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Mixed Times
Thirty-two different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Free Plan
Roll and Cover – Telling Time to the Minute
Practise telling to the minute with this roll and cover game
- Plus Plan
12 Hour Clock Template
A template for an interactive 12 hour clock that displays hours, minutes and wording.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time Year 2 Worksheets
Practise telling time on a clock with a set of 5 printable telling time Year 2 worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Clock Worksheet Cut and Paste– 5-Minute Intervals
Use a clock worksheet to cut, paste and build a clock with five minute increments.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Hour and Half-hour
Thirty different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Plus Plan
Time After Time Mathematics PowerPoint
Introduce your students to the history of the clock, time zones, and telling time with an interactive teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Numeracy Exit Tickets
21 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
Parts of a Clock Anchor Chart
Familiarise students with the analogue clock face, hands and other parts of a clock with a printable poster created for the primary classroom.
- Plus Plan
Time Maths Investigation - The Sands of Time
A mathematics investigation about measuring time, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Time to the Minute and Elapsed Time – Teaching PowerPoint
Teach telling the time to the nearest minute and calculate elapsed time with this 18-slide PowerPoint for teachers.
- Plus Plan
Time After Time Worksheet
A worksheet for students to work with and understand time zones around the world.
- Free Plan
Elapsed Time – Worksheet
A worksheet for students to practise calculating elapsed time.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm-Ups Interactive PowerPoint – Year 3
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 3 students across the Mathematics curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Clock Template
A clock that can be used for games or direct teaching.
- Plus Plan
Time Conversion Chart - Year 5 Maths
Help your Year 5 Maths students learn to convert units of time with a printable Time Conversion Chart.
- Free Plan
Time Unit Conversions Dominoes
Practice converting units of time with a fun game of Time Conversion Dominoes!
- Plus Plan
I Have, Who Has? – Time to the Minute
Practise telling time to the nearest minute with this set of 'I Have, Who Has' game cards.
- Plus Plan
Units of Time Poster
A poster highlighting how we measure time in days, weeks, months and years.
- Plus Plan
Colossal Cinemas – Task Cards
54 activity task cards based on the Colossal Cinemas stimulus poster.
- Plus Plan
Time Dominoes - Five Minute Intervals
Practise telling time to the nearest 5 minutes by matching 32 analogue and digital clock dominoes.
- Plus Plan
Interactive Clock for Teaching Time (Analogue and Digital)
Teach time with an interactive digital clock designed to add a hands-on element to this important primary school lesson!