Civics and Citizenship
- Plus Plan
Responsibilities of Australia's Federal Government - Cloze Worksheet
Explore the roles and responsibilities of Australian federal governments with this differentiated cloze passage worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Roles in Australia’s Government - Interactive Activity
Learn key vocabulary terms related to the roles and responsibilities of Australia’s three levels of government with this digital ‘mystery picture’ activity.
- Plus Plan
Systems of Government - Inquiry Task
Research different systems of government around the world with this inquiry-based project.
- Plus Plan
The Senate Infographic Poster
A poster to display in the classroom explaining the structure of the Senate.
- Plus Plan
The House of Representatives Infographic Poster
A poster to display in the classroom explaining the structure of the House of Representatives.
- Plus Plan
Separation of Powers Infographic Poster
A poster to display in the classroom explaining how the powers of Parliament are separated between the Judiciary, Executive Government, and Parliament.
- Plus Plan
Class Election Templates
Use this set of posters, interview questions and a class ballot to use in a mock election or class election.
- Plus Plan
Bills and Laws in Australia Teaching Slides
Discover how bills become Australian law with this comprehensive teaching presentation.
- Plus Plan
Australia's Three Levels of Government - Interactive Activity
Review the roles and responsibilities of Australia's three levels of government with this digital review activity.
- Plus Plan
Responsibilities of Australia's State Governments - Cloze Worksheet
Explore the roles and responsibilities of state and territory governments around Australia with this differentiated cloze passage worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Rules Around Us - Sorting Activity
Identify rules at home, in school and around the community with a sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Bills and Laws in Australia Flipbook
Discover how bills become Australian law with this student-directed inquiry task.
- Plus Plan
Australian Citizenship Values - Scenario Cards
Apply the values of Australian citizenship to everyday events with this set of 24 scenario cards.
- Plus Plan
The Roles in Australia's Government - Match-Up Activity
Learn key vocabulary terms related to the roles and responsibilities of Australia’s three levels of government with this set of hands-on match-up cards.
- Plus Plan
Australian Government Word Wall Vocabulary
Learn vocabulary related to Australia's Federal Government with this set of 42 word wall cards.
- Plus Plan
Bills and Laws in Australia – Word Wall
Learn vocabulary related to bills and laws in Australia with this set of 16 word wall cards.
- Free Plan
The Australian Citizenship Pledge - Cloze Worksheet
Familiarise your students with the Australian citizenship pledge with this cloze passage worksheet.
- Plus Plan
The Role of the Monarchy in Australia's Parliamentary System - Mini-Book
Discover the role of the monarchy in Australia’s parliamentary system with this informative printable mini-book.
- Plus Plan
Australian Citizenship Values - Match-Up Activity
Learn key vocabulary terms related to Australia’s citizenship values with this set of hands-on match-up cards.
- Plus Plan
History and Features of Australia’s Parliamentary System - Teaching Slides
Explore the ins and outs of Australia’s parliamentary history with this comprehensive set of teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
History and Features of Australia’s Parliamentary System - Interactive Activity
Learn key vocabulary terms related to the history and features of Australia’s parliamentary system with this digital ‘mystery picture’ activity.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Find-a-Word – Lower Years
A lower-years find-a-word puzzle emphasising topic words from information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 – Teacher Information Sheet
A teacher information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Comprehension Activity
A worksheet with text and comprehension questions exploring the 2022 NAIDOC theme.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Crossword Puzzle
A student crossword puzzle based on the information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
Traits of Good Citizens - Match-Up Activity
Identify and match characteristics of good citizens with this vocabulary-building activity.
- Plus Plan
Australia's System of Government Unit Plan
This Civics and Citizenship unit addresses a range of Australian government concepts involving democratic systems, roles and responsibilities of government and the process of making laws.
- Plus Plan
A Golden Democracy – Laws, Taxes and Voting Equality
A 60-minute lesson designed to explain how events during the gold rush influenced Australian laws, taxes, equality and voting rights, and how they shaped our current democracy.
- Plus Plan
Three Levels of Government
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the roles and responsibilities of each level of the Australian government.
- Plus Plan
Eureka Stockade – Fighting for a Vote
A 60-minute lesson in which students learn about the events that led to the Eureka Stockade and how they changed Australian society.
- Plus Plan
Running a Country
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify a range of services in the community for which the government is responsible.
- Plus Plan
Systems of Government - Assessment Task
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will demonstrate their understanding of government systems.