- Plus Plan
First Nations – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Involvement in the Gold Rush
A 60-minute lesson in which students explore the impact the Australian Gold Rush had on Indigenous peoples.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the effects and potential consequences of deforestation.
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A Digger's Life – Exploration of Life on the Goldfields
A 60-minute lesson in which students learn about the working and living conditions of miners on the Australian goldfields.
- Plus Plan
Gold Fever - Kick Starting the Australian Gold Rush
A 60-minute lesson in which students learn about the discovery of gold and initial phases of the Australian Gold Rush.
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The Importance of Environments
A 60 minute lesson in which students will be introduced to the importance of environments.
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Aboriginal X-Ray Art
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the history and traditional techniques of Aboriginal x-ray art.
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An Introduction to Aboriginal Art
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the different types of Aboriginal art in Australia.
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Sustaining Our World Unit Plan
This Geography unit addresses concepts surrounding the sustainable use and management of natural resources.
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Australia's First People Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of Australia's first people and the long and continuous connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Country.
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The Original Inhabitants
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the original inhabitants of Australia.
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Australian Capital Cities and Regional Centres
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the geographical location of capital cities and regional centres around Australia.
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A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand how climate can influence the vegetation and animals found in a desert.
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Aboriginal Dot Painting
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the history and traditional techniques of Aboriginal dot painting.
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Aboriginal Cross-Hatching
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the history and traditional techniques of Aboriginal cross-hatching.
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Aboriginal Sand Drawings
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the history and traditional techniques of Aboriginal sand drawings.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify how Aboriginalcultures use art as a language to document their history.
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The First Maps - Stories and Songlines
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the oral traditions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples use to map landscapes.
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Looking After Places
A 60 minute lesson in which students will appreciate the responsibility of all people to care for our natural environment.
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My House
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the importance of the places students live and explore the people who make up families.
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How Much Waste Do We Throw Away?
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will apply waste management strategies to reduce classroom waste.
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The Natural Environment of Africa - Inquiry Task
A 60-minute lesson in which students will demonstrate their understanding of the natural environment of Africa through an open-ended inquiry.
- Plus Plan
A Golden Democracy – Laws, Taxes and Voting Equality
A 60-minute lesson designed to explain how events during the gold rush influenced Australian laws, taxes, equality and voting rights, and how they shaped our current democracy.
- Plus Plan
Australian History - Revisiting the Past
A 60-minute lesson in which students recap their prior knowledge of Australian history and the British colonisation of Australia.
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The Importance of Environments - Inquiry Task
An inquiry-based assessment task in which students will demonstrate their understanding of the importance of their local environment.
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Vital Vegetation
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the different ways that vegetation can be beneficial.
- Plus Plan
Exploring Plants
A 60 minute lesson in which students will investigate the importance of natural vegetation to animals and people.
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Applying Aboriginal Art Techniques - Assessment Task
An assessment task in which students will demonstrate their understanding of Aboriginal art techniques.
- Plus Plan
Aboriginal Bark Paintings
A 60 minute lesson in which students will understand the history and traditional techniques of Aboriginal bark paintings.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the meaning of totems for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
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A Natural Wonder - Our Great Barrier Reef
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the unique natural environment of the Great Barrier Reef.
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Indigenous Language Groups
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the diverse range of Indigenous language groups in Australia.
- Plus Plan
Great Southern Land
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the natural and human features of Australia.