- Plus Plan
Australian Gold Rush - Timeline Banner
A timeline to display the gold rush in Australia from 1821 to 1867.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in Japan - Holidays Around the World Mini Book
Introduce your students to Japanese Christmas traditions and decorations with a printable Christmas in Japan Mini Book.
- Plus Plan
What is Remembrance Day? Teaching PowerPoint
Guide your students to discover the origin of Remembrance Day and how it is celebrated in Australia with a teaching slide deck.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week Assembly PowerPoint
An editable PowerPoint template that outlines NAIDOC Week celebrations.
- Plus Plan
Why Teach About Pemulwuy? Poster
An educational poster providing a rationale for teaching Australian children about the Aboriginal warrior, Pemulwuy.
- Free Plan
Celebrating Family Ties - Template
A template students can use to reflect on immigration to Australia while researching their own family ancestry.
- Plus Plan
Australian Gold Rush: Native Police Venn Diagram – Template
A Venn diagram template designed to allow students to compare and contrast the pros and cons of Indigenous peoples helping miners and the establishment of the Native Police Force during the Australian Gold Rush.
- Plus Plan
From Trade to Currency Comic – Template
A comic strip activity that explores how people progressed from trade to currency.
- Plus Plan
Memory Matcher PowerPoint – International Foods
An interactive match-up activity exploring foods of different cultures.
- Free Plan
Significant First Nations Australians - Inquiry Task
An inquiry research task to use in the classroom during NAIDOC Week.
- Free Plan
Describing Toys Past and Present - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to describe the features of past and present toys.
- Plus Plan
The Torres Strait Islander Flag - Poster and Worksheet
A poster and worksheet of the Torres Strait Islander flag.
- Plus Plan
The Australian Aboriginal Flag Poster and Worksheet
Print this Australian Aboriginal Flag poster and worksheet for your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Australian History Timeline
A worksheet for students to record information about four significant Australian events.
- Plus Plan
Australian Immigration Posters
A set of 7 posters that describe the impact immigration had on shaping Australia as a nation.
- Free Plan
Tenterfield Oration - Fact Sheet and Comprehension
A fact sheet and comprehension task to use when learning about The Tenterfield Oration.
- Plus Plan
Classroom Energy Audit Worksheet
An investigation that will have students observing the energy usage in their classroom and proposing action to reduce energy waste.
- Free Plan
Chinese New Year Fact Sheet
A fact sheet covering important facts and traditions of Chinese New Year.
- Free Plan
Acknowledgement of Country Poster
A simple Acknowledgement of Country poster to display in your classroom.
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Tree – Craft Activity
A creative craft activity to use on Harmony Day when learning about cultural diversity.
- Free Plan
Free Easter Word Wall Vocabulary Display
Create a fun Easter-themed write-the-room activity and boost vocabulary skills surrounding the Easter holiday with a printable Easter word wall.
- Plus Plan
Harmony Day Display Banner
A colourful display banner to hang in your classroom on Harmony Day, or during Harmony Week.
- Plus Plan
Hello From Around the World Bunting
Decorate your classroom with this set of bunting that displays different ways to say hello around the world.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in Egypt – Celebrations Around the World Mini Book
Introduce your students to Egyptian Christmas traditions with a printable Christmas in Egypt Mini Book.
- Plus Plan
Christmas in Italy - La Befana Christmas Craft
Introduce your students to the traditions and figures associated with Christmas in Italy by crafting a La Befana tree topper!
- Plus Plan
Why Teach About Aboriginal Astronomy? Poster
An educational poster providing a rationale for teaching Australian children about Aboriginal astronomy.
- Plus Plan
The Rabbits – Worksheet
A worksheet that explores the ideas and issues within the plot of The Rabbits by John Marsden.
- Plus Plan
Anzac Day Multiple Choice Quiz – PowerPoint
An interactive multiple choice quiz to prompt thoughtful discussion about Anzac Day.
- Free Plan
Australian Place Name Origins Worksheet
A worksheet exploring the connection of Australian place names to First Nations languages.
- Plus Plan
Communicating with Others - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to identify the communication methods and devices we use today.
- Plus Plan
Significant Australian Individuals - 1800s to early 1900s
A set of posters highlighting the achievements of some of the most well-known Australians from the late 1800s and early 1900s.
- Plus Plan
Comparing Communication Devices from Past to Present - Worksheet
A worksheet for students to compare communication devices from the past with the present.