Questioning and researching
- Free Plan
Water Wastage Investigation - How Much Water is Lost to Leaks?
A practical investigation related to sustainable resource use.
- Plus Plan
Tertiary Sources Poster (Version 2)
A poster highlighting some examples of tertiary sources.
- Plus Plan
Secondary Sources Poster (Version 2)
A poster highlighting some examples of secondary sources.
- Plus Plan
Primary Sources Poster (Version 2)
A poster highlighting some examples of primary sources.
- Plus Plan
Tertiary Sources Poster
A poster providing the definition and some examples of tertiary sources.
- Free Plan
Acclimatised Civilisations: Inuit Territories – Workbook
Learn about the physical and human geography of the Inuit Territories with this inquiry-based mapping activity.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Find-a-Word – Lower Years
A lower-years find-a-word puzzle emphasising topic words from information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 – Teacher Information Sheet
A teacher information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Comprehension Activity
A worksheet with text and comprehension questions exploring the 2022 NAIDOC theme.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Jumbled Word Puzzle
A student word puzzle focusing on topic words from the information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Crossword Puzzle
A student crossword puzzle based on the information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 – Student Information Sheet
A student information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”.
- Plus Plan
The Natural Environment of South America — Inquiry Task
An inquiry task focusing on the natural environment of the Amazon rainforest in South America.
- Plus Plan
Field Journal Entry Worksheet
A journal entry worksheet to use during field work.
- Free Plan
Develop a Habitat - Garden Project
A project-based assessment task for students to demonstrate their understanding of how habitats can be preserved and protected in and around where people live.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Built Environments - Special Place Worksheet
A worksheet that requires your students to draw and explain their special place.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Built Environments - Brainstorming Pages
A sheet that provides your students with a space to write or draw their ideas.
- Plus Plan
Natural and Built Environments Teaching Resource Pack
A pack of posters and worksheets to be used when teaching a unit of work on natural and built environments.
- Plus Plan
The Importance of Environments Unit Plan
This Geography unit addresses the importance of environments to animals and people and the ways in which they can be protected.
- Plus Plan
Sustaining Our World Unit Plan
This Geography unit addresses concepts surrounding the sustainable use and management of natural resources.
- Plus Plan
Daily Life - Then and Now Unit Plan
This History unit covers a range of concepts relating to how daily life of the present is different from the past and how it could change in the future.
- Plus Plan
Our Place - Australia Unit Plan
This Humanities and Social Sciences unit addresses a range of concepts relating to the natural and human features of Australia.
- Plus Plan
Australian Gold Rush Unit Plan
This Australian Gold Rush unit investigates the historical discovery of Australia’s Gold Rush period, from the mid-to-late 1800s. Ideas include the discovery of gold, mining lifestyle, wealth and success, social consequences, and how these shaped the Australia we live in today.
- Plus Plan
The First Fleet and the British Colonisation of Australia Unit Plan
This History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the stories of the First Fleet; including reasons for the journey, who travelled to Australia, their experiences following arrival and the impact colonisation had on Indigenous Australians.
- Plus Plan
Australia's System of Government Unit Plan
This Civics and Citizenship unit addresses a range of Australian government concepts involving democratic systems, roles and responsibilities of government and the process of making laws.
- Plus Plan
Australia's First People Unit Plan
This History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the diversity of Australia's first people and the long and continuous connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Country.
- Plus Plan
The Missing Mona Lisa - Chapter 1: The Case
Your students, the Adventure Agents, will be taken on a learning journey where they are required to piece together the clues and information provided to crack the case of the Missing Mona Lisa!
- Plus Plan
Australia Becomes a Nation Unit Plan
This Australian History unit covers a range of concepts relating to the establishment of the Australian colonies, Australian Federation and the Australian Constitution.
- Plus Plan
Celebrations Around The World Unit Plan
This Humanities and Social Sciences unit addresses the topic of celebrations. It covers personal, family and community celebrations; national days; Australia-specific commemorations and religious/cultural celebrations from around the world.
- Plus Plan
Impact of Colonisation on Australia's First Peoples
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the impact a British colony had on the First Nations people of Australia.
- Plus Plan
Mapping Our World
A 60-minute lesson in which students revise locating and labelling the main features on the world map.
- Plus Plan
Natural Resource Use in the 21st Century
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore how humans use natural resources and raw materials in the present day.