Year 3
- Plus Plan
Chill Out! Calm Down Corner Poster
Welcome students into your class calm down corner with this cool classroom poster.
- Plus Plan
Asking for Help Sorting Activity
Explore whether a question is an 'ask now' question 'wait' question with this sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
Examining Female Gender Stereotypes PowerPoint
A 14 slide editable PowerPoint template to use when examining female gender stereotypes with your students.
- Plus Plan
Reboot Remote
Help students work through tough situations with this remote control template.
- Plus Plan
Tattling vs Telling Sorting Activity
Explore the differences between 'tattling' and 'telling' with this hands-on sorting activity.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Find-a-Word – Lower Years
A lower-years find-a-word puzzle emphasising topic words from information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 – Teacher Information Sheet
A teacher information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Comprehension Activity
A worksheet with text and comprehension questions exploring the 2022 NAIDOC theme.
- Plus Plan
NAIDOC Week 2022 Crossword Puzzle
A student crossword puzzle based on the information sheet about the NAIDOC 2022 theme: “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!”
- Plus Plan
I Can Help My Brain to Learn - Posters
Display these classroom posters to remind your students of things they can do to ensure the three brains are functioning at their best.
- Plus Plan
Worry Jar – Cut and Assemble Kit
Create a worry jar for your students to help them recognise and cope with their worries.
- Plus Plan
Are We There Yet? — Growth Mindset Posters
Print thse large growth mindset posters to help students learn to work more resourcefully and independently in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Are We There Yet? Captain Yet's Joyous Journey – Poster
A Captain Yet poster to help students learn more resourcefully and independently in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Captain Yet: Pirate Nup's Odyssey It's Not Over Yet – Poster
A Captain Yet poster to help students learn more resourcefully and independently in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Captain Yet – Values Poster
A classroom display poster to help students focus on positive learning habits.
- Plus Plan
Healthy Eating Poster - Doctor's Surgery
A healthy food pyramid poster for use in a Doctor's Surgery imaginative play area.
- Plus Plan
Soccer Coaching Drills - Task Cards
A set of 10 task cards containing drills and activities to develop soccer skills.
- Plus Plan
Breathing Colours - Guided Meditation Script
Print a guided meditation script for teachers to lead your students through a breathing colours meditation exercise.
- Plus Plan
Chomp Like a Champion - Food Journal
A worksheet addressing the importance of balanced nutrition and regular physical activity.
- Plus Plan
Captain Yet – Growth Mindset Resource Pack
A collection of Captain Yet resources themed around helping students to overcome their learning challenges.
- Plus Plan
Bullying and Resilience
This Personal, Social and Community Health unit introduces five resilience strategies to help students deal positively and effectively with bullying.
- Plus Plan
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify what cyberbullying is.
- Plus Plan
What is Resilience?
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and understand emotional resilience.
- Plus Plan
The Resilience Tool Kit
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify and use the resilience Tool Kit strategies.
- Plus Plan
Reporting Bullying
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the importance of reporting bullying and who to report to.
- Plus Plan
Bullying and Our Emotions
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify different emotions and how bullying can make a person feel.
- Plus Plan
Flower and Candle Breathing Video
Teach your students flower and candle breathing as a brain break, stress management strategy or mindfulness activity.
- Plus Plan
Guided Meditation for Students Video – 10-Minute Body Scan
Add guided meditation for students to your social emotional learning toolkit with a handy video that guides kids through a 10-minute body scan.
- Plus Plan
Flower Breathing Video for Kids
Teach students to cope with stress with a flower breathing video created to use with kids in the classroom.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Breathing for Kids Video
Add deep rainbow breathing to your classroom routines with a kid-friendly mindfulness video created for primary teachers.
- Plus Plan
Helping Our School Community and Beyond
A 60 minute lesson in which students will share the resilience Tool Kit strategies with the school community and beyond.
- Plus Plan
Applying Resilience Strategies
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify the best resilience Tool Kit strategy to use in different bullying scenarios.