- Plus Plan
Initiating a Scientific Investigation Worksheet
A worksheet to help the students begin the process of a scientific investigation.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - What Snacks Do Ants Prefer?
A science experiment which explores the food preferences of ants.
- Plus Plan
Working Scientifically Knowledge Check Worksheet
A worksheet used to check the students' knowledge of working scientifically.
- Plus Plan
Christmas Science Experiments
Perform Christmas Science Experiments and teach your students about the scientific method with a set of two printable Christmas Science activities.
- Plus Plan
Physical Change Cards – Game
A sorting card game to help students consolidate their knowledge of physical changes in Chemical Science.
- Plus Plan
Electricity Theme – PowerPoint Template
An electricity PowerPoint template to use on an interactive whiteboard or as print-outs for your class.
- Plus Plan
Freedom of Choice PowerPoint - Developing Scientific Lines of Questioning
A teaching presentation discussing the development of scientific lines of questioning.
- Free Plan
See Light Through Me Worksheet
A worksheet that explores classification of objects according to light transmission.
- Plus Plan
Let the Sun Shine In! - Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring the sun as a light source.
- Plus Plan
Electricity Investigation - Worksheet
An investigation of whether electricity moves better through different wire gauges.
- Plus Plan
Oil Spill Science Experiment
Investigate water pollution and discover the effects of oil spills on wildlife with a hands-on science lab!
- Plus Plan
Science Pattern Match Cards
A set of 89 task cards to help students learn about patterns in nature.
- Plus Plan
Design Your Own Experiment Worksheet
A worksheet to develop students' ability to design fair, scientific experiments.
- Plus Plan
Light Teaching Resource Pack
A comprehensive set of posters, activities and worksheets related to the concept of light.
- Plus Plan
Light Fantastic Unit Plan
This Physical Sciences unit addresses the properties of light. It explores the phenomena of reflection, refraction, shadow and more.
- Plus Plan
Material World Unit Plan
This Chemical Sciences unit investigates natural and processed materials. Demonstrations and experimental procedures are explored with particular attention given to the scientific method.
- Plus Plan
Natural Disasters Unit Plan
This Science unit addresses the concepts of plate tectonics and natural disasters.
- Plus Plan
Our Place in Space - Unit Plan
This Earth and Space Sciences unit explores the concept that Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a star (the sun).
- Plus Plan
Facts of the Matter
This Chemical Sciences unit explores the concept that solids, liquids and gases have different observable properties and behave in different ways.
- Plus Plan
Chemical Sciences: Clever Changes – Unit Plan
This Chemical Sciences unit investigates the physical changes of materials and how properties change when materials stretch, bend, twist, heat or cool. Students predict how materials will vary and whether they can be returned to their original state.
- Plus Plan
Light and Sound Unit Plan
This Physical Sciences unit addresses the concepts of light and sound and how they are sensed.
- Plus Plan
Changing States Unit Plan
This Chemical Sciences unit addresses how changes in state from solid to liquid and liquid to solid can be caused by adding or removing heat.
- Plus Plan
It's Electric! Unit Plan
This Physical Sciences unit addresses the principles of electricity. It explores what electricity is, how it is transferred and how energy is transformed to create it.
- Plus Plan
The Heat is On Unit Plan
This Physical Sciences unit addresses the concept of heat energy, including heat sources, heat transfer, thermal conductors and thermal insulators.
- Plus Plan
Growth and Change Unit Plan
This Biological Sciences unit explores how living things grow and change. Animal offspring (including humans) are compared with their parents and plants are grown from seed in order to observe change over a period of weeks.
- Plus Plan
Changing States of Matter
A 60 minute lesson in which students will explore the way solids, liquids and gases change in different situations.
- Plus Plan
Changes I Can See!
This Earth and Space Sciences unit explores how and why changes occur in the sky and landscape, and develops students' ability to describe these changes in their local environment.
- Plus Plan
Living Things and Their External Features Unit Plan
This Biological Sciences unit covers a range of concepts relating to living things, such as their external features and the places in which their needs are met.
- Plus Plan
Fake Plastic Trees - A Demonstration Comparing Properties of Natural and Processed Materials
A 60 minute lesson in which students will compare the properties of natural and processed materials through a demonstration.
- Plus Plan
Marvellous Materials
A 60-minute lesson in which students recap their prior knowledge of materials and their physical features.
- Plus Plan
Lights Line Up!
A 60 minute lesson in which students will draw simple ray diagrams to show the paths of light from a source to the eyes.
- Plus Plan
Sensational Stretching
A 60-minute lesson designed to explain how certain materials can be stretched.