6 Benefits of Using Gamification in the Classroom

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Updated | 9 min read


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  • Hayley Farrer

    With term four looming I wondered when we may see these long anticipated resources? :) TIA

    • Kristian

      Hi Hayley, Thanks for your query. Due to some technical glitches and wanting to release an adventure for all age groups at the same time, we have had to push our schedule back. At this stage, a 2020 release would be more accurate. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact me.

  • Sylvia Doule

    Hi, Has this resource been created or is it still a work in progress? Thanks, Sylvia

    • Kristian

      Hi Sylvia, Our adventures are well and truly on the way. We anticipate the release of three adventures before Term 4 rolls around. The content is complete, we are just working out the best way to release them to our lovely teachers. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please don't hesitate to contact me.

  • Josh

    Beauty. Thanks.

    • Kristian

      No worries, it is something we are very excited about.

  • Josh

    Is there a resource already created on Teach Starter like the first example you have given?

    • Kristian

      Hi Josh, It is in progress! We have a working on-paper prototype and will be creating an online, interactive version to accompany it. Thanks for your interest, it is something we are very excited about at Teach Starter. Watch this space, there will be many others like it.

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