7 Tips for Organising a Teacher's Desk

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Updated | 4 min read


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  • Emma

    These are great tips! I loved all of the task cards that o could have on hand!

    • Kristian

      Thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad you are enjoying our resources.

  • Sarah Nisi

    Hello, I was wondering if you could please give an outline of the inside of your student work sample folder and assessment tracker. Are they divided into subject areas or a pocket for each student? Also as a graduate teacher I was wondering if there is any advice you can give for organising daily/ weekly activities as well as a system to store all reading group/ math group information?

  • Laura McCreanor

    Dear Holly, I am commencing my first year of teaching at the commencement of 2018. I am very keen to get a box for my desk similar to the one you have that is for staples etc. I was in Bunnings earlier in the week and was looking for something similar and was not able to spot one... do you by chance recall the name/brand or could you recommend one similar? Regards, Laura

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Laura, How exciting about commencing teaching! Congratulations! I was in my local bunnings only the other week and saw the drawers. Here is a link to them on the Bunnings website - https://www.bunnings.com.au/handy-storage-20-drawer-compartment-organiser_p2580808. YHo. Perhaps you could do a ring around to some of the bunnings closest to you to check stock levels? Good luck! Kind regards, Holly

  • Pru Dubokovich

    Would you be able to give a sneak peek at the inside of your assessment tracker folder? Trying to organise my own and having difficulties working out the best way to manage it all!

  • Candice Kemp

    I'm just wondering what font you used for your labels? I'm currently a Teacher Aide but am looking to go back to get my teaching degree (10 years ago I did 2.5 years of it!) And I just can't help myself but look up teacher things haha... it's meant to be I think ;-)

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Candice, The font I used on the labels was Sassoon Primary. This is available in our label creator widget! Check it out! https://www.teachstarter.com/widget/label-creator/. Goodluck with your study! Kind regards, Holly

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