Activities to Help Kids Develop Creative Thinking Skills

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Updated | 6 min read


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  • Karen Davies

    I have a class of 7 boys, all with Autism, & STEM/STEAM time is their favourite time of the week. We have tried many different activities and have even invited parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles into our classroom during these activities. The students never cease to amaze me with their inventiveness & creativity.

    • Cassie (Teach Starter)

      Hi Karen, How lucky that your students have a teacher who knows the value of time spent on independent exploration and problem-solving experiences! Inviting families to visit must be such a wonderful way to increase your students' confidence in their own creativity, as well as highlighting each individual child's interests and strengths. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences! Sincerely, Cassie

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