Video Backgrounds for Teachers

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Updated | 3 min read


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  • Lynne Chamberlain

    Can you use this in onenote's classnotebook.

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Lynne, the best way for Onenote's Class Notebook but the looks of it is to record your video elsewhere like using Zoom as suggested in the blog and then adding the video file to whatever platform you are using. Hope this helps.

  • Kylie Lindstrom

    Do these backgrounds work with Google Meet?

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Kylie, it is our understanding that at this stage Google Meet only has the option to use virtual backgrounds provided on that platform. However, we have heard that they will be rolling out the option to add your own virtual backgrounds. Fingers crossed it's soon!

  • Ellissa Boyer

    Im using zoom but cant find the option to use virtual background?

  • Caitlin Rose

    Hi These look fantastic. Can they be used on Google Meets?

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Catilin, unfortunately not at this stage. I believe you can change the backgrounds in Google Meets, and having the ability to upload your own background is coming - but not available just yet.

  • Stephanie Lovelock

    Can these backgrounds be used in Screencast-o-matic?

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Stephanie, unfortunately, I don't believe Screencast-o-matic has this ability.

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