The Best and Worst Plants for the Classroom (And How to Care for Them)

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Updated | 8 min read


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  • Helen Turner

    I do. I have a number of small plants in cute plant holders (happy emojis, cute frogs... whatever Bunnings happens to be selling) As my students sit in groups, there is one plant for each group to look after and be responsible for its needs. I also provide a spray bottle. Students love it... in fact the boys seem to excel at this more than the girls. I have tended to use parlour palms, and other small shade loving plants... have not had any failures yet. At the end of the year, the plants have grown so much... students get to take the plants (not pots) home... and I start afresh the next year. I also have fake plants in my room on the window sills and a fake tree that I purchased from Spotlight for a mere $79. This was partly because South America and Africa are the two continents we study. Plants just add another dimension to the room and we are always receiving compliments on the atmosphere that has been created.

    • Royce (Teach Starter)

      Hey Helen, thank you for sharing your experiences and strategies with us. That is a fantastic way to integrate the learning students will be doing. The classroom environment is so important to starting a happy class of students.

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