How to Set Up Brag Tags in the Classroom

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Updated | 3 min read


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  • MrsN10

    I love your idea Melanie! I have just started a Year 1-2 class and a visit to our Principal every 15 tags is brilliant. Thank you

  • Melanie

    I use these daily in the classroom. During the week, I also send a couple with the my Teacher Aide, specialist teachers - PE, Music, Library and Science. The aim is to earn 15 to qualify a visit to the Deputy Principal to brag about your tags. The students LOVE it!

    • Kristian

      Hi Melanie, Thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad you are enjoying our resources.

  • Natalie Hedington

    I love this idea! Has anyone ever used it in an upper primary classroom? I have a 5/6 class and think they would also love it, but would appreciate any feedback from people who have used it in a similar aged class. Thanks! :-)

    • Zenna Smith

      I used a variation of brag tags in my year 6 class. Though I came into their class half way through the year and they were used to prizes. I used the tags as tickets they could earn to get prizes (though the most popular was using the teacher's chair). I also had a special prize for the student who could earn every tag and a class reward for reaching a set number of tags in the term (movie day with popcorn). This year I have year 3 and I'm going to try brag tags without prizes.

    • Holly (Teach Starter)

      Hi Natalie, I know of some teachers that have implemented in their classroom for this age group. They have used a brag book rather than the brag tags on the lanyards. I hope this helps as a suggestion? Kind regards, Holly

  • Diane Waine-Barclay

    I am considering using them a little differently. Rather than having a lanyard, I thought about having a 'brag booklet' to glue in the tags received with the date at the bottom. At the end of each term we send home each child's portfolio with completed work and they could be sent home to share with parents then. What are your thoughts?


    I'm absolutely going to set this up this year. I'm a new teacher, in a Year 2 classroom... I think these brag tags will go beautifully with my growth mindset/always learning approach. Thanks!!

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