How to Create a Student-Led Classroom Behaviour Contract in Primary School

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Updated | 6 min read


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  • Alana Stewart

    Link your classroom contract to you classroom reward system and reward your students for upholding thier committment to the classroom contract." So sorry I feel bad, but there is two spelling mistakes in the comments - (thier - their & committment - commitment). I love the step by step guide and will certainly give it a go this year.

    • Emma (Teach Starter)

      Hi Alana, thanks so much for pointing those ones out to us! We have fixed them up. Good luck giving your classroom contract a go this year!

  • Megan Courtney

    This is seriously amazing! I've just made up some slides to support this process.. I have a few tricky lads this year and I'm excited to see how much they engage with creating our contract. Thank you TeachStarter crew for being fab-u-lous!

    • Alison Smith

      Hi Megan, thanks so much for the positive feedback. I hope that you and your students enjoy success in creating a classroom contract! Have a great afternoon, Ali

  • Michelle Hicks

    I have used this student led method in the past - groups of students brainstorming ideas for the agreements for our classroom - and then completed a bundling activity where the students then come together and those with similar ideas on their sticky notes "bundle" them together as one. This makes the students read other's ideas. But I am looking forward to using the group cards this year!! Thank you! We always refer back to our agreements - once or twice a term (always at the beginning of the term as a reminder and then half way through the term or when behaviour is not in accordance with the agreements) and we divide the agreements into two groups - "We are achieving this" and "We are working on this" with sub-heading posters! It works really well!

    • Kristian

      Hi Michelle, Some great ideas there. Thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad you are enjoying our resources.

  • Jess Ellis

    Oh thank you so much for this post! I want to do something like this with new my class for this year, but wasn't sure where to start! This is so helpful, and I love those task cards, will definitely use them in our first week together :)

    • Kristian

      Hi Jess, Thank you for your lovely comment. I am so glad you are enjoying our resources.

  • Megan Courtney

    This sounds fantastic! I'm going to give it a go to begin this year, thank you so much for the ideas! So well explained.

    • Alison Smith

      Hi Megan, thanks for your super positive comment. I hope that your student-led behaviour contract goes well! Let me know how it goes. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Have a great day! Ali

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