How to Stop Losing Your Voice as a Teacher (11 Expert Tips)

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Updated | 6 min read


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  • Zoha Thamer

    Great tips! I especially like the voice amplifier idea. Sometimes I suddenly lose my voice while speaking to the class and get a very scratchy throat and I know then I must have strained my cord too much!

    • Paul (Teach Starter)

      We're glad you found this helpful, Zoha! Thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback!

  • Rebecca Jeffrey

    Hello, I am a new teacher and by the end of my first week, my voice was distinctly faded! I have now got a Redcat and am using hands signs more, also I am putting in 'voice breaks' during the day - such as in silent reading. Thanks for a good article, bringing it up as a topic that needs discussing.

    • Jill (Teach Starter)

      Hi Rebecca. Thank you for your comment. I'm happy to hear that you have been able to put some strategies in place to help save your voice. It's so important and a great idea to get into these good habits early in your teaching career.

  • Briegh

    Take your sick days! Best and hardest advice to follow! You feel so guilty. It took losing my voice weekly to seek help and finally put myself first!

    • Cassie (Teach Starter)

      Absolutely! Taking days off work can be such a hard mental battle to fight (with ourselves!). But a day here and there to ensure we are healthy and well makes the rest of our time at school much more productive and beneficial for everyone, doesn't it!

  • Augusta Monro

    I have lost my voice for days at a time in the past because I did not stay away when my throat got sore. I would add to your comments about shouting. All that does is make the class noisier. Using a moderate or “normal” speaking voice forces the class to keep quieter to hear. Control of noise is easier to establish along with non-verbal signals. A rhythmic sh sh shshsh and a finger on the lips helps. Never try to shout above the noise! Some teachers have naturally loud and dare I say it shrill voices. I have not so have developed other techniques.

    • Cassie (Teach Starter)

      Hi Augusta, Absolutely! It can certainly take a lot of self-awareness not to shout about a noisy class. Thank you for taking the time to share what is working well for you! Kind regards, Cassie

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