Classroom Routines Teaching Resources
Do you need help with classroom routine ideas this school year? Our teacher team has created dozens of resources to make explaining your routines and keeping students on routine easy — from classroom job printables and charts to visual calendars that walk students through your daily class schedules.
These teacher-created resources help students stay on task and keep things moving throughout the school day for a day that's easier on you and your students both!
How Do Routines Help Teachers With Classroom Management?
Are you exploring the addition of routines to your classroom to help kick-start your classroom management? You may be pleasantly surprised by the results!
Routines play a substantial role in successful classroom management because they help provide structure for the day. This can help students know what to expect and, in turn, that helps students to be more successful too!
Classroom Routine Examples and Ideas
Looking for some routines that can help your classroom management this school year? Here are some periods of the school day when setting up routines can make a big difference to your classroom management, plus resources to help set them up!
1. Morning Routines
Mornings are more manageable when students know just what to do when they arrive at school, so you can take roll and get ready for the day while they're stowing bags and getting ready to learn!
Our pre-created templates will walk students through their routine for the morning with an agenda they can follow.
2. Line Up Routines
Students spend a lot of the school day in line, whether they're heading to the school library or outside for recess. Set up routines so students know exactly what to do and how to behave!
3. Technology Routines
Make tablet and computer time less stressful with routines that every student knows to follow! Print a technology routines poster to display in the classroom so every student knows just what to do.
4. End of the School Day
Students should know exactly what to do during the dismissal period. Should they be putting chairs on their desks? Do students who will walk home go to one place and students who get a ride home go to another? What happens with homework folders? All of this should be mapped out, so the end of the day period will run smoothly!
Print out our end-of-the-day bookmarks for students to check the routines when they've forgotten what to do!
- Plus Plan
Symmetry Drawing Worksheet Pack
Teach your students about symmetry using this series of drawing worksheets where they must copy an image symmetrically using grid lines for reference.
- Plus Plan
Year 6 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Worksheets
Use these fractions, decimals and percentages worksheets in your Year 6 classroom for independent practice or as an assessment activity.
- Plus Plan
Fractions and Decimals Assessment
Assess students' knowledge of various decimals and percentages concepts with this four-page worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Paris Landmarks – Mindfulness Colouring Pages
Use this set of mindfulness colouring pages of Paris landmarks to celebrate the magic of Paris during the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
- Plus Plan
Year 4 Fractions and Decimals Worksheets
Use these fractions and decimals worksheets in your Year 4 classroom for independent practice or as an assessment activity.
- Plus Plan
Fluency Reading Passages (Year 2)
Download a printable pack of Year 2 reading fluency passages with a printable ORF assessment pack.
- Plus Plan
Dragon Colouring Pages
Create colourful Chinese dragon art to celebrate the Lunar New Year in the classroom with a pack of printable dragon colouring pages.
- Plus Plan
Fluency Reading Passage Pack- Year 1
Assess student fluency with a printable pack of reading fluency passages for Year 1.
- Plus Plan
Year 4 Reading Fluency Passages
Assess student fluency with a printable pack of Year 4 reading fluency passages.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Fractions and Decimals Worksheets
Use these fractions and decimals worksheets in your Year 5 classroom for independent practice or as an assessment activity.
- Plus Plan
Daily Writing Prompts Calendars - Upper Primary
Inspire your students and encourage them to write regularly with a set of printable Daily Writing Prompts in calendar format.
- Plus Plan
Draw a Town with 2D Shapes
An interactive and evolving resource where students draw 2D shapes incrementally to create a town map and 3D models.
- Plus Plan
Mindfulness Bookmarks to Colour
Bring calm to the classroom with these mindfulness colouring bookmarks.
- Plus Plan
Drama Game Task Cards
A set of 17 activity cards with instructions for drama games.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Maths Test - Multi-Digit Multiplication
Assess your students' skills with multiplying whole numbers using a printable Year 5 Multiplication Test.
- Plus Plan
Year 3 Fractions – Differentiated Assessment
Use this differentiated fractions test for year 3 to assess concepts such as identifying fractions, using fraction models and determining the fraction of a set.
- Plus Plan
Gratitude Journal Writing Prompts for Kids - Daily Slides
Project and inspire reflective writing with 50 gratitude journal writing prompts in one handy slide deck.
- Plus Plan
Fluency Reading Passages - Year 5
Assess student fluency with a printable pack of reading fluency passages for Year 5.
- Free Plan
End of the Year Mindfulness Colouring Sheet
Calm the end-of-year chaos with a printable end-of-the-school-year colouring page.
- Plus Plan
CUBES Classroom Display and Bookmark Set
Tackle word problems with this CUBES problem-solving classroom display and bookmark set.
- Plus Plan
Draw The Line of Symmetry Worksheets
Use this lines of symmetry worksheet to help students practise drawing lines of symmetry on 2D shapes.
- Plus Plan
Understanding Fractions – Exit Tickets
Assess student understanding of simple fractions with this set of 24 maths exit tickets.
- Plus Plan
Mindfulness Activity Mats
A set of 10 mindful activity mats to use to help children focus.
- Plus Plan
Year 5 Numeracy Exit Tickets
20 Numeracy Exit Ticket activities for students to provide evidence of their learning progress.
- Plus Plan
Grammar and Punctuation Assessment Tool - Year 5
A set of 5 grammar and punctuation assessment tools suited to Year 5 students.
- Free Plan
Speaking and Listening Activities Task Cards
A set of 13 cards with instructions for speaking and listening activities.
- Plus Plan
Would You Rather...? Question Cards
Would You Rather use this set of 31 question cards or eat a can of worms?
- Free Plan
Subtraction Strategies – Assessment
Assess your students’ knowledge of subtraction strategies with a subtraction assessment.
- Plus Plan
Fractions on a Number Line - Exit Tickets
Assess your student's ability to represent fractions greater than zero and less than or equal to one with a set of printable fractions on a number line exit tickets
- Plus Plan
Traffic Lights Active Game
A whole class active game that encourages students to develop their listening skills and to follow instructions.
- Plus Plan
Anecdotal Observation Checklist - Reading Behaviours
Observe student reading behaviours and easily take notes with an Anecdotal Record Note-Taking Template.
- Plus Plan
Concepts of Time Assessment - Year 5 and Year 6
Assess your students' knowledge of elapsed time, reading schedules, converting 12 and 24-hour time and reading timelines with a Concepts of Time Test.