Kindness Teaching Resources
Build a positive classroom environment with kindness activities for kids, printable worksheets, colouring in pages, and more teaching resources created just for primary teachers!
Whether you're observing Random Acts of Kindness Day or World Kindness Day, or simply trying to embed social and emotional learning into your everyday program, the teachers of Teach Starter have you covered with our hands-on materials, projects, and other ideas for teaching students to be kind!
Looking for specific information about times and ways to use these teaching resources with your students? Read on for a guide from our teacher team!
What Is Random Acts of Kindness Day?
Random Acts of Kindness Day was created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation in the United States to encourage people to perform acts of kindness and spread positivity.
Now a global event, the goal of this day is to encourage people to make a conscious effort to show compassion, generosity, and thoughtfulness towards others — whether it be through simple acts like holding the door open for someone, paying for someone's coffee, or volunteering at a local organisation. The aim is to inspire people to make a positive impact in their communities and create a ripple effect of kindness that spreads throughout the world.
When Is Random Acts of Kindness Day 2023?
Coming right on the heels of Valentine's Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day will be observed on 17 February 2023.
How to Celebrate Kindness in the Classroom
Need a little inspiration for your lesson planning? Don't worry! Our teacher team has got you covered!
Here are a few ways you can celebrate kindness n your classroom. Choose the activities that fit with your students and your social and emotional learning planning:
- Encourage students to perform random acts of kindness throughout the day. This could include things like holding the door open for a schoolmate, helping someone carry their books, or simply saying something nice to someone.
- Create a kindness classroom display where students can post notes or pictures of acts of kindness that they witness or perform.
- Have students work together to plan and execute a school-wide kindness campaign, such as a food drive, a charity walk, or a fundraiser for a local charity.
- Encourage students to write letters of gratitude or appreciation to people in their lives who have been kind to them.
- Take some time during class to discuss the importance of kindness and how it can make a positive impact on both the giver and the receiver.
- Have a class discussion about the different ways that people can be kind, and brainstorm ideas on how your class can incorporate more kindness into their daily lives.
- Organise a game or competition on kindness, such as who can do the most acts of kindness in the class, school, or even the community.
- Lead a kindness-themed art class where students can create a kindness-themed artwork to share with the class or the school.
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Oral Language Activities
Share these oral language activities with your students to help them practise listening to others, expressing opinions, receiving instructions, and more!
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World Kindness Day Colouring Sheets
Use these World Kindness Day colouring pages as a fun art activity with your students.
- Free Plan
Kindness Mini-Book (10 Reasons to be Kind)
Explore all of the reasons to be kind with your students using this mini-book template.
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Anti-Bullying Colouring Sheets
Discourage bullying and promote kindness in the classroom with a set of printable Anti-Bullying Colouring Sheets.
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Kindness Word Search
Download a printable word search about kindness to explore this important aspect of social awareness with your students.
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Grow with Kindness Craft
Promote kindness in the classroom with this engaging craft.
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THINK Strategy Poster
A poster explaining the THINK strategy.
- Free Plan
Kind or Unkind Cut-and-Paste Worksheet
Explore kind and unkind scenarios with your students using this engaging cut-and-paste worksheet.
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Kindness Quilt Display
Discuss and create a gorgeous kindness-themed classroom display.
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Bee Kind Craft and Writing Template
Celebrate World Kindness Day with this gorgeous bee writing and craft template.
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Stick With Kindness Craft and Writing Template
Discuss the importance of kindness and explore why we should ‘stick with kindness’ with this writing and craft activity.
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Random Acts of Kindness Calendar
16 random acts of kindness tasks for students to do for others.
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Class Compliments - SEL Worksheets
Encourage kindness and boost morale by creating a wall of compliments for each student with a printable self-esteem activity.
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Random Acts of Kindness Chatterbox
A random acts of kindness chatterbox template.
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Kindness Reflection Mini Booklet
A printable kindness reflection mini book template for kids.
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Christmas Random Acts of Kindness Calendar
Inspire Random Acts of Kindness this holiday season with a printable Christmas Kindness Calendar.
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Kindness Flipbook Template
Learn about the different ways to be kind in a variety of places such as school, home and the community with this flipbook.
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Circle of Kindness Templates
End the school year with individual affirmations for kids with our Circle of Kindness affirmation activity.
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Kindness Reflection Activity and Classroom Display
Teach students kindness this school year with an interactive kindness activity and display for the primary classroom.
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Kindness Word Scramble
Use this Kindness Word Scramble worksheet to talk about the different words associated with being kind.
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Compliment Box Decorations and Compliment Cards
Use these decorations and compliment cards to create your very own classroom compliments box.
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Why Be Kind Classroom Posters
Display this gorgeous set of kindness posters to teach students why kindness matters.
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Random Acts of Kindness Display
A display to highlight any random acts of kindness.
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Kindness Award Pack
Reward kindness with five styles of certificates that celebrate thoughtful acts among your students and the environment.
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Kindness Vocabulary Word Wall
Learn vocabulary around the topic of kindness with this set of word wall cards.
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Kindness Teaching Slides—The Magic of Kindness
Guide students through understanding the importance of kindness with this set of teaching slides.
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Kindness Tracker Jar
Track kindness in the classroom with this kindness jar ready to be coloured in with random acts of kindness.
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Printable Anti-Bullying Posters
Decorate your classroom and school during Anti-Bullying Week with printable Anti-Bullying Posters!
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Kindness Poster Set
Display this set of kindness posters in your classroom to help your students understand the power of being kind.
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Showing Compassion – Interactive Activity
Help students understand the importance of caring for others and how to appropriately respond with this interactive activity.
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Twelve Days of Kindness – Christmas Challenge Worksheet
Challenge your students to commit 12 random acts of Christmas kindness with a printable kindness activity .
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Harmony Week - Everyone Belongs Crown Template
Get crafty and create some Harmony Day crowns using this template.