Science Inquiry Teaching Resources
Build science inquiry skills this school year with science experiments, lab safety resources and more must-have activities for Australian primary school teachers!
Aligned with the Australian science curriculum, this collection is stocked with everything you need to teach your students to ask questions, make hypotheses and analyse outcomes in their science classes (and beyond)! Explore STEM challenges, unlock printable posters and so much more — all created by teachers for your lesson plans.
- Free Plan
Treasure Map Coding Robot Mat
Implement coding for kids with a printable coding robot map activity.
- Plus Plan
Roll to Create an Animal - Adaptations Game
Roll to create an animal with cool adaptations using a fun dice game and report template.
- Plus Plan
Heat Insulators Science Experiment (Keeping Out the Heat)
Investigate heat insulators with your students using this engaging science experiment.
- Plus Plan
What is a Fair Test? - Middle Years PowerPoint
A 17 slide PowerPoint to use when teaching your students about how to make a fair test in Science.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment – States of Matter
A science experiment that investigates how a substance's state of matter can be changed.
- Plus Plan
Back to School STEM Challenges – Upper Years
A selection of 3 STEM activities for upper years students that are perfect for the back-to-school period.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment Recording Sheet
A recording sheet to use when completing a Science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Design and Technology Challenge Task Cards
A set of 15 design challenge tasks for students.
- Plus Plan
STEM Investigation Build A Raft
Explore floating and waterproof materials in this STEM investigation embedded in a fun fairy tale story.
- Plus Plan
Heat Conductors Science Experiment (Feel the Heat)
Investigate heat conductors with your students using this engaging science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Suck It Up!
A science experiment which investigates the absorptive properties of various materials.
- Free Plan
Rain Cloud in a Jar Experiment
Use this science experiment when learning about the different types and features of clouds and how they contribute to the water cycle.
- Plus Plan
Food Truck Frenzy! Project Based STEM Learning Activity
Introduce your students to the world of Food Trucks as they master maths, STEM and art to design and run their own food truck.
- Plus Plan
Friction Experiment – Sticky Friction
Use this engaging friction experiment when teaching your students about sliding friction and the effect it has on the movement of objects.
- Plus Plan
Environmental Impact Science Experiments
Use these simple science experiments to teach your students about environmental issues such as oil and water pollution, soil quality and climate change.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment – How Long Will It Take to Melt?
A science experiment which explores the change of state from solid to liquid.
- Plus Plan
STEM Challenge Cards - Lower Years
A set of 22 STEM challenge cards for students.
- Plus Plan
Natural Disasters - Flood Simulation Experiment
A hands-on experiment to use when exploring natural disasters.
- Plus Plan
STEM Investigation Build A Bridge
Explore this STEM investigation about the construction of bridges using everyday materials, embedded in a real-life situation.
- Plus Plan
Energy of the Sun Worksheet
Investigate and record the amount of energy from the sun with this science experiment for kids.
- Free Plan
Predict and Prove – Template
A template to help introduce making a hypothesis before starting an investigation.
- Plus Plan
Force and Motion Experiment – Throwing, Dropping, Bouncing, Rolling
Use this hands-on force and motion experiment when teaching your students about how forces influence the movement of objects.
- Plus Plan
STEM Challenge Cards - Upper Years
A set of 20 STEM challenge cards for students, suitable for the upper year levels.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Changing Shadows
Explore how shadows change throughout the day with this hands-on science experiment.
- Plus Plan
Plant Growth in Soils – Science Experiment
Explore how plants grow in different types of soil with this science experiment perfect for primary school science lessons.
- Plus Plan
Space Rocket Design Task
An engaging design task to encourage creative thinking and design engineering.
- Plus Plan
Buoyancy Experiment – Sink or Swim
Use this practical float or sink science experiment when teaching your students about why some objects float in water while others sink.
- Plus Plan
Balloon Car Experiment – Speed Racer
Use this hands-on balloon car experiment when teaching your Year 4 students about thrust force and its effect on the speed of objects.
- Plus Plan
Sound Research Science Experiment for Kids
Immerse your students in an auditory adventure, exploring sound energy with this engaging experiment.
- Plus Plan
Forms of Energy – Year 4 Science Experiments for Kids
Investigate mechanical, electrical, light, thermal and sound energy with this set of science activities for kids.
- Plus Plan
International Dot Day STEM Challenge Task Cards
Integrate science, engineering and art with a set of International Dot Day STEM task cards.
- Plus Plan
Science Experiment - Angles of Reflection
A science experiment that explores reflected light.