B. Use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context
B. Use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context
- Plus Plan
I Spy - Oral Language Activity
A fun activity to encourage the development of oral language.
- Plus Plan
Missing Letter Alphabet Cards
A resource to help students identify the first letter of each word.
- Plus Plan
Word Family Sorting Cards
A set of 36 sorting cards to reinforce word families and rhyming with your students.
- Plus Plan
Alphabet Bubbles
An alphabet activity using pictures and corresponding words.
- Plus Plan
Nutty Nursery Rhymes Speaking and Listening Activity
A set of eight nursery rhyme cards which have been modified for a speaking activity.
- Plus Plan
Home Reading Journal - Green
A journal for your students to keep track of their home reading.
- Plus Plan
Middle Sound Words - Sorting Task ('a' and 'o')
3 different sorting tasks to use with students when learning about the 'a' and 'o' middle sounds.
- Plus Plan
My Word of the Day Mat
A fun worksheet to use in the classroom when building vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Word Walk Active Game
An active game that allows students to practise reading sight words.
- Plus Plan
Class Reading Level Display 1-30 – Hot Air Balloons
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
- Plus Plan
Adver-relays Active Learning Game
A whole class active game that encourages learning through a physical setting.
- Plus Plan
Missing Initial Blends Worksheet
A worksheet to consolidate initial blend sounds.
- Plus Plan
Reading at Night Certificate
Give positive feedback to your students for reading at night with this certificate.
- Plus Plan
Word of the Week Flip Book - Foundation
A 43 page flip book for introducing new vocabulary to foundation students.
- Plus Plan
Class Reading Level Display 1-30 - Beanstalk
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
- Plus Plan
Home Reading Journal Template
A journal for your students to keep track of their home reading.
- Plus Plan
Flags of the World - Print and Cursive Alphabet Line
Display the alphabet in print or cursive with a unique Flags of the World Alphabet Line.
- Plus Plan
R Blend Word Wall Vocabulary
Forty-eight R blend vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Class Reading Level Display A-Z
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
- Plus Plan
Two-Letter Word Balloon Cards
6 pages of two-letter words on balloon backgrounds.
- Plus Plan
My Reading Bookmark
Bookmarks to encourage your students to read on their own.
- Plus Plan
Literacy Tasks - Posters
5 Literacy Task posters and 1 Guide poster.
- Plus Plan
Beginning, Middle and Ending Sounds – Frogs Poster
A frog themed poster for CVC words
- Plus Plan
L Blend Word Wall Vocabulary
Thirty-two L blend vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Initial S Blend Cards
A resource to help students identify the S blend at the beginning of a word.
- Plus Plan
S Blend Word Wall Vocabulary
Sixty S blend vocabulary cards for a word wall.
- Plus Plan
Class Reading Level Display 1-30
A classroom display that allows students to see their current reading level and set their target reading level.
- Plus Plan
Student Reading Chart
A chart to record the number of books your students have read.
- Plus Plan
Initial R Blend Cards
A resource to help students identify the R blend at the beginning of a word.
- Plus Plan
L Blends Worksheet
A worksheet consolidating the initial L blend sound.
- Plus Plan
Initial L Blend Cards
A resource to help students identify the L blend at the beginning of a word.
- Plus Plan
Word of the Week PowerPoint - Foundation
A 40 slide PowerPoint Template for introducing new vocabulary to foundation students.