AdditionandSubtraction - uses a range of strategies and informal recording methods for addition and subtraction involving one- and two-digit numbers
- Plus Plan
Dinosaur Maths - Addition & Subtraction - V2
Solve the addition and subtraction sums to colour in the dinosaur.
- Plus Plan
Money and Financial Mathematics – Lower Years Interactive PowerPoint
An engaging 44-slide interactive PowerPoint to use in the lower years classroom when learning about money and financial mathematics.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems - Match Game
Practise reading, modelling, and solving addition and subtraction word problems with a matching activity.
- Plus Plan
Double Bubble - Doubling Game
A fun, interactive maths game for students to play when doubling numbers from 1 to 12.
- Plus Plan
Daily Maths Word Problems - Year 2 (Worksheets)
A set of 20 problem-solving questions suited to Year 2 students.
- Plus Plan
Simple Addition and Subtraction Questions
Use this versatile worksheet with your students when exploring early addition and subtraction number sentences.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Maths Blast Off - Addition and Subtraction
Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction fact families with a fun cut and sort activity.
- Plus Plan
Number and Place Value Worksheets - Year 2
14 number worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Double-Digit Addition Strategies Posters
Remind your students to use different addition strategies with a set of printable two-digit addition strategies.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Word Problem Task Cards (Numbers 1-50)
Use a range of addition and subtraction strategies to solve twenty word problems that contain numbers 1–50.
- Plus Plan
Apple Tree Addition and Subtraction Mat
Solve addition and subtraction problems up to 10 with a hands-on apple maths centre.
- Plus Plan
Basic Subtraction Strategies Posters
Remind your students to use different subtraction strategies with a set of printable subtraction anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Printable Maths Mats - Graphic Organisers
Practice working on specific math concepts with our set of 5 printable math graphic organisers.
- Plus Plan
Number and Place Value Worksheets - Year 1
8 number and place value worksheets linked to the Australian Curriculum.
- Plus Plan
Polygon Puzzles - Addition Worksheets with Answers
Line the sum up with the corresponding answer.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction Fact Families Teaching Presentation
A 19-page editable teaching presentation to use in the classroom when introducing addition and subtraction fact families.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Find and Flip - Addition and Subtraction (Middle)
Addition and subtraction game cards demonstrating the relationship between fact families.
- Plus Plan
Subtraction Strategies - Anchor Charts
Remind your students of the many subtraction strategies with a printable subtraction anchor chart display.
- Plus Plan
Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping - Anchor Charts
Break down the steps to use regrouping to find a solution with an addition and a subtraction poster.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Balancing Equations Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 40 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Picture Addition Worksheet
A worksheet consolidating students' understanding of combining groups of items.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Facts - Addition Match Up Cards
A bright and fun game to play in the classroom when learning the Friends of Ten and Rainbow Facts.
- Plus Plan
Printable Maths Puzzles - Subtraction Tarsia
Print a set of 7 Tarsia puzzles to practise solving single-to-multi-digit subtraction problems.
- Plus Plan
Rainbow Number Facts Board Game
A fun, hands-on board game to consolidate students' understanding of the 'Friends of 10'.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Making Numbers Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 20 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Fact Family Find and Flip - Addition and Subtraction (Lower)
Addition and subtraction game cards demonstrating the relationship between fact families.
- Plus Plan
Doubles Leap Frog - Doubling Numbers Game
A fun game for students to play when doubling two digit numbers.
- Plus Plan
Pandora's Party Palace Maths Activity – Lower Years
16 mathematics problem solving task cards involving money in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Double Digit Addition Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 24 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Addition Strategies Posters
Create an addition strategies display"for your students with this set of classroom posters.
- Plus Plan
Bar Model Poster Pack
Help your students solve problems using the four operations with a pack of printable strip diagram anchor charts.
- Plus Plan
Maths Warm Ups Interactive PowerPoint - Year 1
A PowerPoint providing a series of warm up activities for Year 1 students across the curriculum.