New South Wales Curriculum
describes, compares and orders durations of events, and reads half- and quarter-hour time
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8 teaching resources for those 'aha' moments
- Plus Plan
Daily Maths Problems - Year 2
A 44 slide editable PowerPoint template for problem solving in Mathematics.
- Plus Plan
Analogue Time to the Half Hour – Worksheets
Practise telling time to the half-hour with a fun set of printable Telling Time Worksheets for Grade 1.
- Plus Plan
Telling Time - Year 2 Maths Test
Administer a Telling Time Maths Test to determine mastery of year 2 clock reading skills.
- Plus Plan
Clock Template
A clock that can be used for games or direct teaching.
- Plus Plan
Analogue Time to the Quarter Hour
A worksheet to use when teaching analogue times in o'clock, half past and quarter past/to.
- Plus Plan
Blank Digital and Analogue Clock Worksheet
A blank analogue and digital worksheet to use when teaching students about time.
- Plus Plan
Halves and Quarters
A 60 minute lesson in which students will identify halves and quarters.
- Plus Plan
Skip Counting by 5s
A 60 minute lesson in which students will skip count in 5s when telling the time.