Measurement and Space
- Plus Plan
Area Worksheets
4 area worksheets.
- Plus Plan
Converting Units of Measurement Posters
Use these posters to assist your students to learn and convert the different units of measurement.
- Plus Plan
Know Your Measurement Conversions Trivia Game
Practise measurement conversions involving time, length, capacity, and volume with an exciting Know Your Measurement! Trivia Game!
- Free Plan
3D Object Properties - Worksheet
Use this 3D Objects Worksheet to assist your students when learning about the properties of 3D objects.
- Plus Plan
Battleships Grid Template
A template to help consolidate students' understanding of coordinates.
- Plus Plan
Compass Directions Worksheet
A worksheet to use when exploring grids, grid references and direction.
- Plus Plan
Financial Mathematics Maths Investigation – Let's Play Mini Golf!
A mathematics investigation about financial mathematics and measurement, embedded in a real-world context.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Poster
Help your students learn to tell the time to the hour, half-hour, quarter, and minute with a printable Telling the Time anchor chart PDF.
- Plus Plan
Using Metric Units of Area Worksheets
Use this set of three measurement math worksheets to help your students understand the concept of measuring area in metric units.
- Plus Plan
My Recipe Rules - Measurement Worksheet
A worksheet using money and measurement concepts.
- Plus Plan
Mass Vs Weight Poster
Display this poster to help students remember the difference between weight and mass.
- Plus Plan
Clock Reading & Elapsed Time Quiz
Assess your students' knowledge of telling time to the minute and working with elapsed time with this 2-page Telling Time Quiz.
- Free Plan
Converting Units of Time – Task Cards
Practise converting time with a handy set of free Time Unit Conversion Task Cards.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Hour, Half-hour, Quarter To and Quarter Past
Play a few rounds of Telling the Time Bingo to practise telling the time to the quarter hours.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Perimeter and Area Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 28 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Nets of 3D Objects - Poster
A poster highlighting the nets of a selection of 3D Objects.
- Plus Plan
Converting Time Worksheet - 12 to 24 Hour Time
Review how to convert 12-hour to 24 hour time with a printable converting time worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Mixed Times
Thirty-two different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Free Plan
Cartesian Plane Poster
A poster that explains the features of Cartesian Planes.
- Plus Plan
2D Symmetry Poster - Reflection and Rotational
This 2D symmetry poster explores both reflection and rotational symmetry.
- Plus Plan
Telling the Time Bingo – Hour and Half-hour
Thirty different bingo cards using analogue clocks.
- Plus Plan
24-Hour Time Memory - Year 5 Maths Game
Practise converting 12-hour and 24-hour times with this fun 24-Hour Time Game.
- Plus Plan
Concepts of Time Assessment - Year 5 and Year 6
Assess your students' knowledge of elapsed time, reading schedules, converting 12 and 24-hour time and reading timelines with a Concepts of Time Test.
- Plus Plan
Measurement Word Search with Solution
A fun word search to help your students learn measurement vocabulary.
- Plus Plan
Reflection, Translation, Rotation Poster
A visual poster examining the difference between reflection, translation and rotation.
- Plus Plan
12- and 24-Hour Time Polygon Puzzle
A puzzle using 12- and 24-hour time.
- Plus Plan
Using Metric Units of Length Worksheets - Differentiated
Use differentiated metric measurement worksheets to practise identifying units, measuring, and converting metric units of length.
- Plus Plan
Finding the Area of 2D Shapes Poster
Display this math poster showing the area formula for different 2D shapes during your space and measurement lessons.
- Plus Plan
Number Talks - Volume Task Cards
Build number sense skills with this set of 26 task cards.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Assessment Tool - Year 5
A set of 6 numeracy assessment tools suited to Year 5 students
- Free Plan
Time Zones World Map
A poster to display in the classroom to show the different time zones of the world.
- Free Plan
Metric Units of Measurement Connectors
A worksheet connecting units of measurement.