NAPLAN Year 3 Teaching Resources
Getting ready for NAPLAN Year 3? Curriculum-aligned resources are at your fingertips to help students get ready for NAPLAN testing, including editing practice, narrative and persuasive PowerPoints, NAPLAN assessment rubrics for persuasive writing and narrative writing, and more.
Students will be facing these tests in March this year, and we understand that creates even more need to save your lesson planning time so you can work directly with your students.
Is this your first year encountering NAPLAN in Year 3? Read on for a guide from our teacher team.
What's On the NAPLAN Year 3 Test?
Of course, the specific content of the NAPLAN Year 3 test is not publicly disclosed by the Australian government, and it varies from year to year. After all, it is intended to be a standardised test that is fair to all students.
However, the test typically includes a range of questions designed to assess a student's reading, writing, language convention knowledge (such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and numeracy skills.
For example, the Year 3 NAPLAN test includes reading comprehension questions that assess a student's ability to understand and interpret texts, as well as writing tasks that require students to use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Numeracy questions on the Year 3 test may cover topics such as number sense, measurement, geometry, and data handling.
NAPLAN Preparation for Year 3 — Tips for Teachers
That's a lot to cover, so how do you possibly prepare your students for testing?
We do not advocate focusing solely on testing in the classroom — the goal of any primary teacher is to create a supportive and engaging learning environment for their students throughout the year. But NAPLAN is a national requirement, so we would like to offer a few tips to ensure your students feel like they're ready for testing week and for you to go into the week feeling confident that you've done your best for your class.
- Get to know the format and content of the test: If this is your first year teaching Year 3, it is helpful to make yourself familiar with the format and content of the NAPLAN test. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) provides detailed information about the test on its website, and you can look at practice tests to get a sense of what tests have looked like in past years.
- Incorporate NAPLAN-style questions into classroom activities: Help your students become familiar with the types of questions they will encounter on the NAPLAN test by incorporating NAPLAN-style questions into the every day. While this should not be the primary method of teaching, sprinkling these in will help to build the students' confidence and familiarity with the test format.
- Work on test-taking skills: Students need to develop good test-taking skills, such as time management, careful reading, and checking their work — this is not just for NAPLAN, but for any test! This can be done through specific teaching of test-taking strategies.
- Identify areas for improvement: Are your students taking practice tests? You can review the results to identify areas where individual students or the whole class may need additional support or instruction (as well as using your regular classroom assessments). This can help you target your teaching and ensure that students are well-prepared for the test.
- Communicate with parents: Keeping open lines of communication with parents is always crucial, and this time of year is no different. Let parents know the NAPLAN test schedule and share guidance on how they can support their child's learning. This can include providing study materials, practice tests, and tips for test-taking success.
- Free Plan
Editing Passage Task Cards for Year 3
A set of 20 editing passage task cards with answers.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Text Writing Prompts - Complete Set
A set of 5 persuasive writing prompts, covering a variety of topics.
- Plus Plan
Persuade Me Persuasive Writing Prompts
Encourage students to write persuasive texts with these engaging task cards or teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Devices Teaching Slides
Explore persuasive language devices with your students using this detailed and age-appropriate slideshow perfect for your persuasive writing unit.
- Free Plan
Emotive Language Cloze Passage Worksheet
Get students using emotive language examples in their persuasive writing with this differentiated cloze passage worksheet.
- Plus Plan
Identifying Persuasive Language Worksheets
Explore persuasive language with your students using this set of five persuasive texts on a variety of age-appropriate topics.
- Plus Plan
OREO® Persuasive Writing Posters
Help students remember the structure of persuasive texts with this fun OREO® acronym.
- Plus Plan
Writing Persuasive Texts PowerPoint - Year 5 and Year 6
Explore the structure and language features of persuasive texts with these teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Devices Worksheet Pack
Explore persuasive language techniques with your students using this nine-page worksheet pack perfect for your persuasive writing unit.
- Plus Plan
Developing Persuasive Writing Skills PowerPoint (Year 3 and Year 4)
Teach your students about the structure and language features of persuasive texts with these interactive teaching slides.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Techniques Posters
Support students to improve their persuasive writing with these persuasive techniques posters.
- Plus Plan
Story Ideas – Character, Setting, and Complication Cards
Help your students choose a topic to write about with this set of 36 character, setting and compilation task cards.
- Plus Plan
List of Persuasive Devices
Download this list of persuasive devices for your students to refer to when writing a persuasive text.
- Plus Plan
Daily Maths Word Problems – Year 3
A set of 20 problem solving questions suited to year 3 students.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Devices Interactive Activity
Explore persuasive device examples with your students using this digital game perfect for your persuasive writing lessons.
- Plus Plan
NAPLAN-Style Assessment Rubric - Persuasive Writing
A NAPLAN-style rubric designed to help teachers to assess students' persuasive writing.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Writing Graphic Organiser Pack
Help students gather their thoughts during persuasive writing with this differentiated set of graphic organisers.
- Plus Plan
Editing Passages PowerPoint for Year 3
A 42 slide editable PowerPoint template containing editing passages with answers.
- Plus Plan
NAPLAN-Style Assessment Rubric - Informative Writing
A NAPLAN-style rubric designed to help teachers to assess students' informative writing.
- Plus Plan
Rhetorical Questions Interactive Activity
Explore rhetorical questions with your students using this digital game perfect for your persuasive writing lessons.
- Plus Plan
5 Persuasive Writing Prompts
Inspire your students through these relevant persuasive writing prompts.
- Plus Plan
Seven Sensational Story Starters PowerPoint
Inspire creative and catching narrative story starters with this story starters set of teaching slides.
- Free Plan
Narrative Writing Checklist (Intermediate Version)
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Analysing Persuasive Devices Worksheets
Get students analysing persuasive techniques and their effects on audiences with this set of three texts with accompanying questions.
- Free Plan
Persuasive Writing Checklist (Simplified Version)
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their persuasive writing.
- Plus Plan
5 Narrative Writing Stimulus Sheets
Writing stimulus sheets with a narrative focus.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Checklist (Simplified Version)
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Device Examples – Cut and Paste Worksheet
Match the persuasive writing techniques with the correct examples using this simple cut-and-paste worksheet perfect for your persuasive writing unit.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Writing Checklist
Now your students can make sure that they have everything they need in their persuasive writing.
- Plus Plan
Narrative Writing Checklist — Structure, Language and Features
A checklist for students to use when proofreading and editing their narrative writing.
- Plus Plan
Persuasive Writing Planning Flipbook
Explore the persuasive writing structure in this engaging persuasive writing flipbook.
- Plus Plan
Numeracy Assessment Tool for Year 3
A set of 6 numeracy assessment tools suited to Year 3 students.